I've said many many many times, never ever trust a democrat involved with war making decisions. The guy is a total half wit. I do support Ukraine and the end result has to be Ukraine pushing Russia back to Russia and regaining the stolen territory while that kenyan avswipe was in charge. All the aid should have been in the hands of the congress without all these pitfalls that are costing the lives of Ukrainians while the congress sits on their ass and use the issue as a football. Our southern border issue should be in the supreme court and sanctions or impeachment for biden for ignoring and breaking our laws and not upholding his oath of office. That MF needs to go, we see how badly the entire world is today because of that half wit. We have no money but seem to always have enough to fly these thieving liberal MFs all over the world to get a free meal on our dime. I don't know the answer but I do know if Russia is allowed to walk in and take over Ukraine there will be millions of lives lost simply because the bastard will move on the rest of the EU one at a time. He will be there until 2038 or until someone in Russia has the balls to step up and blow his head off. These democrats that refuse to vote yes for impeachment should all be rounded up and hung together in one big public event. We are in every sense of the word Divided and until we imprison or hang these thieves and liars we will never ever be a functional country again. Never ever vote for a liberal, this is what they have to offer.