News flash "dude": People detest lies, willful ignorance and bias. This is a forum. You goof, you receive.
But hey, this discussion compelled you to actualy look something up and at least learn of creeping annexation and geo-economics. Good on you. Maybe win for everyone.
Don't worry. Nobody expected. Truth apparently hurts.
That was the point. We agree here except for the part, where ppl like Mike1976 know what they are talking about vs others construing incoherently biased and irrelevant blether, as to what might be actual reasons. The hilarious notion of Georgians being "pro-Russian" is not a reason. It's a comical fairy tale by folks who know F all, get all their input from currently even more than usual braindead mainstream media that is being weaponized, and sure ah have never been to that country or spoken to its people.
No chum, they are an assortment of RL matters and issues, in military, economic dependencies and politics, smth ppl with your view don't seem to have a good grasp or knowledge of, the very least in this context. Which you also admit.
My comment wasn't aimed at any person in particular here. You're new. I don't even know what you're writing here tbh. I've not been very active in this thread, lately. It's also not important who did. This was made a topic, months before you even joined. What's important, is that this whole rubbish got finally adressed and yes, I take my time because I care.