China Question
In 2008, aviation publishing house
Jane's alleged that China's development of the
Chengdu J-10 had benefited from technical information from the Lavi project, citing Russian engineers who claim to have heard this from Chinese colleagues.
[37] In 2007, the J-10's designer,
Song Wencong (宋文骢), denied any connection with the Lavi, pointing to similarities with the
Chengdu J-9 developed in the 1960s.
[38] This was echoed by
PLAAF major Zhang Weigang in a 2012 interview.
[39] There have been no public statements or formal claims along those lines; by 2000, however, advanced technology transfer of any origin had become anathema to the USA,
[40] which forced Israel to cancel a sale of
Phalconairborne early warning planes.