Photos NVA & VC Images

It happens all over the world, that is why preserving and exhibiting old photographs and films of what use to be "just a routine life" not only extraordinary events are important.
yup , but it also come with revival of old culture ( aka tea art are returning after year of neglect ( 1970-2000 only old people still keep the tea art , now more and more young people interest in it and drink tea again , tradition dress revival ( dressthat are older then 18th century cause Vietnam still manage to maintain and still daily used of tradition dress of 18 th century ( the ao dai , you still can see female wearing it in Vietnam and male version in wedding and funeral and other occasion ) similar to hanfu revival movement in china , they still maintain the Qipao but now a lot of young Chinese are revival older dress , when poor you don't think about culture and tradition all you think is money and food , with the economic getting better people start to think beyond money / food => some will go back to tradition and history , while other go to high culture ( opera music , classical music , tradition music ,. ... ) with the economic growth , the govt also have more money to spend on old building ( maintain , repair , rebuilt of damage building ) hue imperial city are giving priority , the imperial city was badly damage by war and bad economic of the 80s ( we were poorer then African :) dual to embargo , war ( in Cambodia and in northern border vs china ( btw we have to fight in Cambodia , cant develop if polpot and Khmer rouge still run around in Cambodia , the southern part of vietnam will never have peace to develop economic )
A photo of NVA soldier in Cambodia , the wound guy name is Huu , the guy carry him name Duc ( from thanh hoa province ) taken in 1970
The photographs are very interesting and what you say about the changes in your country, I have seen some movies with American actors filmed in Vietnam and a lot of tourism too, I can see then that the relationship has improved a lot between you
The photographs are very interesting and what you say about the changes in your country, I have seen some movies with American actors filmed in Vietnam and a lot of tourism too, I can see then that the relationship has improved a lot between you
yup relation between Vietnam and America been pretty good after 1990 when America start to well let say less angry about losing the war , with war vet like McCain and john Kerry and other who campaign to have normal relation with us , which made both side of America ( republic and democracy have one common thing is that support better relation with Vietnam over the years ) but there still limit in our relation , aka cant buy f16 but can buy c130j :) not sure if we can even buy P3 orion or p8 for patrol or not ( btw can buy small arms so uh......... but then cant buy f16 or American fighter jet aint that bad either , seeing how Malaysian have to get permission to used they weapon for exercise and Pakistan f16 only can be used only if indian attack them ) and btw most American film so call film in Vietnam aint really film in Vietnam , a lot are film in Philippine or Thailand , only in recent year then they are film in vietnam ( king kong movie , .... ) a lot of American do visit Vietnam now day and same for Vietnamese visit America and Vietnamese is current the top of oversea student in America in south east asia and in a sia only behind china/india I think , soon there will be direct fly from Vietnam to America ( there used to be one back in the day but didn't made profit ( America airlines or united airlines if I remember used to fly b747-400 to hcm city ) biggest hindering of Vietnam-America relation will be they like changing regime and we Vietnamese see how show it is from midle east + democracy wont able to work in southeast asia where china and america can easy buy out politic party and politician , not to mention we have a bad example of Philippine democracy where the elite used it to control the economic , Philippine was once top richest country in asia ( higher then Korean ) now look at them , heck Vietnam a country war torn and been embargo and only allow to develop since 1995 have now since this year taking over Philippine in income and the gap will rise over the year ( they still have higher total gdp dual to higher population but not for long )
Sino - Vietnamese War. Cao Bang. 18 February 1979. Soldiers of the Vietnamese People's Army (VPA) pose triumphantly on a knocked out Type 62 85mm light tank of the Chinese PLA.

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china tank lost during sino Vietnam war of 1979 invasion was extremely high they lost and damage most of the tank they send over in 1979 , northern Vietnam was never a ideal place for using tank the only place in Vietnam that one can say ideal for tank are central highland .
this must be in dien bien phu , but the trench is not that deep enough so maybe early state of the battle , cause the later stage of the dien bien phu campaign the trench are much deeper and muddy water come to knee level ( kinda like ww1 style trench )

I think you are right, it seems to be a pic taken after the battle at Dien Bienh Phu.
photo of Vietminh troop around 1950 , at you can see the weapon of they are mostly western and japanese origin ( Thompson , mp41 , bar , some rifle ) pretty interest is the used of white arms band to tell friend and foe :) and how commander were equip with steel helmet ( not sure Japanese or capture French helmet ) and unlike southern Vietnam where it year around hot , northern Vietnam do have winter time so that why you can see the second in command wearing a dress outside of his uniform it call ao tran thu ( tran thu dress ) pretty much a warm vet for winter , whie most of the troop wear double cloth ( commander have a jacket outside of his uniform ), we also see the influence of Japanese on using net over helmet for camouflage ( using tree leaf ) the first military school used a lot of Japanese officer teacher so there are quite few influence of Japanese beside , American and Chinese ( a lot of Vietminh officer and general and leader of Vietminh where student at whampoa or in Vietnam know at hoang pho ( huang pu in Chinese ) military academy set up by sun yatsen

more information about the photo , this pho was taken befor the Tran Hung Dao campaign during the Winter-Spring campaign of 1950-51 . btw the campaign name after Trần Hưng Đạo (Vietnamese: [ʈə̂n hɨŋ ɗâːwˀ]; 1228–1300), real name Trần Quốc Tuấn (陳國峻), also known as Grand Prince Hưng Đạo (Hưng Đạo Đại Vương - 興道大王), was a Vietnamese royal prince, statesman and military commander of Đại Việt military forces during the Trần Dynasty.[1][2] Hưng Đạo commanded the Vietnamese armies that repelled two out of three major Mongol invasions in late 13th century.[3] His multiple victories over the Yuan Dynasty under Kublai Khan are considered among the greatest military feats in Vietnamese history.[by whom?] you can found street / school name after Tran Hung Dao in every city of Vietnam , one of Vietnam navy current most modern warship is also name after him . ( Vietnam big military campaign usually name after emperor / general and leader )
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officer of regiment 88 ( the regiment tradition name was Tu Vu , the name come from battle of Tu Vu where regiment 88 destroy a French out post in 1951 ) , 308 division Việt Minh talk to the troop befor battle ( btw the soldier with the helmet seem to be using a Japanese steel helmet ) commander of 308 division at that time was vuong tu vu a whampo military school ( or hoang pho military school in Vietnamese ( huang pu in Chinese ) ) military school in china a pretty famous military school in china and Vietnam ( a school set up by ROC president Sun Yat Sen ( ton trung son ) and Chang kai sek ( tuong gioi thach_) a lot of POC (Taiwan) PRC ( mainland ) and vietnam people army general are student of the school

officer of regiment 88 ( the regiment tradition name was Tu Vu , the name come from battle of Tu Vu where regiment 88 destroy a French out post in 1951 ) , 308 division Việt Minh talk to the troop befor battle ( btw the soldier with the helmet seem to be using a Japanese steel helmet ) commander of 308 division at that time was vuong tu vu a whampo military school ( or hoang pho military school in Vietnamese ( huang pu in Chinese ) ) military school in china a pretty famous military school in china and Vietnam ( a school set up by ROC president Sun Yat Sen ( ton trung son ) and Chang kai sek ( tuong gioi thach_) a lot of POC (Taiwan) PRC ( mainland ) and vietnam people army general are student of the school

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btw all the guy that study in whampo was in 1920-30 period , there also Korean who study in the military school but not sure if any become general or famous in south korea or north korea , vuong tu vu and many of Vietnam officer who study there in 1920-30 ( after that KMT cease the training of Vietnamese and Korean officer and start they famous purge in the 30s vs communist and people who are not allied of chang kai shek )
western source used to claim this aa tank is type 63 but there no record of any Chinese aa tank call type 63 , the tank is actually a series of modify made by factory Q153 or now day Z153 , the tank actual name are A24 ( or project 24 ) from what the vet say there were at least 8 a24 were made for the 1972 offensive campaign and most of them where lost and found not effective for aa support , the only remain sample of the tank are one capture by south Vietnam army that were send to America and now in some museum in the state . ( btw beside A24 project there also A25 project ( a t34 hull with a single 57mm aa gun ) and other project like a su76 hull that get removed the 76mm and instead equip with a 23mm or 37mm , a t34 hull was used to carry rocket that carry charge to destroy mine field , a BA24 car with AA2 missile , ....



1963 a group of south Vietnam liberation army aka VC firing at a plane , they using a lee enfield ( either capture from combat with the brit in 1945-46 period or from Myanmar ( who donate weapon to Vietminh early day , that why Vietnam now day invest a lot in Myanmar at a return of favor , Myanmar 2 or 3 largest telecom company mytel is a sub company of viettel largest telecom cooperation in Vietnam and in asean ( they have 10 or 11 sub company operate from Africa-asia-south America and caribean ) or from Malaysian communist ( who send few tons of weapon to Vietnam early day on too , the leader of Malaysia communist was actually a Vietnamese guy ( from vung tau ) leading bunch of Chinese Malaysian who think he is Chinese lol ) m1 cacbine and k44 ( mosin )
A young Vietcong militia fighter with a M-16 standing in the streets of Saigon after it has fallen
1963 a group of south Vietnam liberation army aka VC firing at a plane , they using a lee enfield ( either capture from combat with the brit in 1945-46 period or from Myanmar ( who donate weapon to Vietminh early day , that why Vietnam now day invest a lot in Myanmar at a return of favor , Myanmar 2 or 3 largest telecom company mytel is a sub company of viettel largest telecom cooperation in Vietnam and in asean ( they have 10 or 11 sub company operate from Africa-asia-south America and caribean ) or from Malaysian communist ( who send few tons of weapon to Vietnam early day on too , the leader of Malaysia communist was actually a Vietnamese guy ( from vung tau ) leading bunch of Chinese Malaysian who think he is Chinese lol ) m1 cacbine and k44 ( mosin )
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top secret
Pridi Panomyong,leader of Free Thai send surplus weapons from Free Thai to Ho Chi Minh after WW II.All weapons for 2 battalions,and Ho call these battalions is Siam battalion!

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