Photos US Civil War Images

Union cavalry at Sudley Ford. Bull Run, Virginia, March 1862.
Sidewheel steamer USS Commodore Morris moored on the Pamunkey River, Virginia, in 1864.
Escaped slaves at the Headquarters of General Lafayette.
Crewmembers of the USS Wissahickon standing by the ship's gun, circa 1863.
Three Confederate soldiers who were captured at Gettysburg, in the summer of 1863.


CSS Stonewall in the bay of El Ferrol, Spain. March, 1865.

After the non-battle at El Ferrol, the “CSS Stonewall” arrived in Lisbon on March 27 for additional supplies before it started the Atlantic crossing on March 28. It was shadowed all the while by the “Niagara” and the “Sacramento.” A few hours after the “Stonewall” left, the “Niagara” started to change its anchorage. The commander of the Belem tower mistakenly believed that the “Niagara” had resumed its pursuit in violation of the 24-hour internationally recognized window after a belligerent had left a neutral port, and opened fire on the ship. This was the only time a foreign country fired upon a U.S. warship during the Civil War. (Kennett, op. cit., p. 82).


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