Photos Indian Armed Forces

ITBP in the jungles of Arunachal Pradesh in North-East India, the ITBP is one of the federal border agency and this unit is armed with a local variant of the AK known as OFB GHAATAK

The Indian Navy on Friday said it conducted first-ever arrested landing of "Tejas" Light Combat Aircraft (Navy), inching closer to the goal of operating it from an aircraft carrier.


IAF variant
The relationship between Project 15 i.e. Delhi class (C) and Project 15A i.e. Kolkata (L&R) class is clearly seen here. Russian Top Plate radar and Kh-35 gives way to Israeli MF-STAR and Indo-Russian BrahMos respectively.

Frigates firing RBU-6000 ASW rockets
Do you know what work is being done?
This is the 2nd hand Kiev class that India bought (ripped off to be accurate) in 2004 and finally had refurbished by Russia and commissioned in 2013.
This photo is from when it was being "refurbished" between 2004 and 2013 at a cost of over $2bn USD
This is the 2nd hand Kiev class that India bought (ripped off to be accurate) in 2004 and finally had refurbished by Russia and commissioned in 2013.
This photo is from when it was being "refurbished" between 2004 and 2013 at a cost of over $2bn USD


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