Warfare HAMAS attack on Israel, October 2023

If Israel doesn't fully control these areas, especially the Gaza-Egypt border, wouldn't that allow Hamas to resupply and regroup? Wouldn't this war end up being back to square one? Since Hamas militants are now hiding underground, won't that allow them to regain their strength once the IDF gets out ?
The stories about a 2,500 strong PA force being put in place are nothing but wishful thinking imo. Pre-war Hamas had 40,000+ members, other terrorist groups at least several thousand each. 2,500 police officers on 1,3 million inhabitants might work in a civilized society, but not in the nest of cockroaches that is Gaza.

Replenishing pure numbers isn't a problem due to the high birth rate and high unemployment. The biggest loss is the cadre of knowledgeable people that enabled and directed the cannon fodder which takes time to rebuild.

That's why this conflict repeats every decade or so.
If Israel doesn't fully control these areas, especially the Gaza-Egypt border, wouldn't that allow Hamas to resupply and regroup? Wouldn't this war end up being back to square one? Since Hamas militants are now hiding underground, won't that allow them to regain their strength once the IDF gets out ?
The Gaza-Egypt border is the Philadelphia Corridor I've mentioned earlier, where IDF intends to have constant presence at least in the near future (sensors and underground barrier in long term).
Hamas hiding underground is not the problem, the tunnels are getting slowly but steadily demolished. They mixing with the civilian population is the bigger problem.
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Really..? 🤦‍♂️
No loss, dumber than a bag of hammers, never bring a knife to a gun fight!
The Gaza-Egypt border is the Philadelphia Corridor I've mentioned earlier, where IDF intends to have constant presence at least in the near future (sensors and underground barrier in long term).
Hamas hiding underground is not the problem, the tunnels are getting slowly but steadily demolished. They mixing with the civilian population is the bigger problem.
If Israel holds the border, plus 1-2 routes across Gaza, it severely limits what hamas can do. Drones, phone monitoring, etc. With work in israel removed, there will be much less activity in Gaza. I would not volunteer for the peacekeeping force.
Hamas's military capabilities are severely diminished. It's unlikely they've only lost 60%, because if they still had 40% left, they could still fire rockets, conduct ambushes, and carry out sabotage. I'm not a military expert, but it seems clear that Hamas has lost much more than 60%.
They are still doing all that, they're battered but not down and out in the way we'd like. Last figure I saw quoted by the IDF was 18,000 terrorists KIA, which is 60% of 30,000 (the general number of militants Hamas supposedly have). Of course we don't have a completely accurate count so it could be more or less. Hamas aren't on their knees just yet, but at the current rate, their fate is all but assured, it's just a matter of time.
I hope all the Jewish folk in the United States remember this in November. Looks like the democrats in the government are not the same friends israel had before.

I don't think this is the case, she was scheduled to go to Indianapolis for her presidential campaign, she's got an election to win in a shorter space of time compared to normal. She's meeting Netanyahu privately this week, she's no "Squad" member.
Mass protests are planned by various Palestinian groups tomorrow, as well as some Israelis travelling to DC to demand Bibi reach a deal or resign. Expect total chaos...
They are still doing all that, they're battered but not down and out in the way we'd like. Last figure I saw quoted by the IDF was 18,000 terrorists KIA, which is 60% of 30,000 (the general number of militants Hamas supposedly have). Of course we don't have a completely accurate count so it could be more or less. Hamas aren't on their knees just yet, but at the current rate, their fate is all but assured, it's just a matter of time.
But promotions come quick…..
Is this legit news? if yes ... where's ben's ss ?

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amazing how much "freedom" these terrorist supporters are given in the free world
Is this legit news? if yes ... where's ben's ss ?

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amazing how much "freedom" these terrorist supporters are given in the free world
How in the F*** did they manage to get into the area?? That security should have been as tight as a virgin's asshole..!
so what does this guy want?? just criticizing for the sake of criticizing

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Rachida acting like the shitstain she is.
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Rachida acting like the shitstain she is.

never knew she was a paly ..i mean why does she live in the states and not in gaza or whatever shithole she comes from?
Lots of staffers working for democrats are unhinged lunatics
Anyone spreading unknown substances should be apprehended with extreme force, just in case it might be a terroristic act of chemical or biological warfare. Their employer should get rousted too, just in case they know they are harboring suspicious employees.
Hell of a speech, say what you want about the man but he knows how to talk. Pretty much nailed everything, "Iran's useful idiots" was a perfect moment.

never knew she was a paly ..i mean why does she live in the states and not in gaza or whatever shithole she comes from?
She's an American citizen born to Palestinian immigrants.

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