Warfare HAMAS attack on Israel, Oct 2023 & Iran’s Proxies.

US President Joe Biden says he does not support a retaliatory strike by Israel on Iran’s nuclear program.

“The answer is no,” Biden responds when asked whether he backs such a prospect.

“We’ll be discussing with the Israelis what they’re going to do, but all seven of us (G7 nations) agree that they have a right to respond but they should respond proportionally,” Biden tells reporters before boarding Air Force One.

Biden tells reporters that there would be more sanctions imposed on Iran and said he would speak soon with Netanyahu.

“Obviously, Iran is way off course,” he said.

US National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said yesterday that the Iran will face “severe consequences” and that the US will work with Israel to ensure as much, without elaborating.
Here we go again with the proportionality crap... Israel kills two guys with minimal to no collateral and Iran responds with 200 ballistic missiles that target every inch of the most populated areas of the country, but we gotta be proportional guys!!

Exclusive: Iran's Khamenei warned Nasrallah of Israeli plot to kill him, sources say

DUBAI/BEIRUT, Oct 2 (Reuters) - Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei warned Hezbollah leader Syyed Hassan Nasrallah to flee Lebanon days before he was killed in an Israeli strike and is now deeply worried about Israeli infiltration of senior government ranks in Tehran, three Iranian sources said.
In the immediate aftermath of the attack on Hezbollah's booby-trapped pagers on Sept. 17, Khamenei sent a message with an envoy to beseech the Hezbollah secretary general to leave for Iran, citing intelligence reports that suggested Israel had operatives within Hezbollah and was planning to kill him, one of the sources, a senior Iranian official, told Reuters.

The messenger, the official said, was a senior Iranian Revolutionary Guards commander, Brigadier General Abbas Nilforoushan, who was with Nasrallah in his bunker when it was hit by Israeli bombs and was also killed.

Khamenei, who has remained in a secure location inside Iran since Saturday, personally ordered a barrage of around 200 missiles to be fired at Israel on Tuesday, a senior Iranian official said. The attack was retaliation for the deaths of Nasrallah and Nilforoushan, the Revolutionary Guards said in a statement.
The Supreme leader has become ultra paranoid it seems, but of course just because he is, doesn't mean people aren't out to get him...
Sporadic explosions in Beirut, sounds like drones firing missiles. Can't help but feel it happens like every 15 minutes or so, possibly to deprive people of sleep?

Frequency picked up a few minutes ago, then back to normal.

Some areas of the city are seemingly going dark, might be substations that are being taken out.
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After looking at the footage of the attack there is no way Israel won't go biblical on Iran now. Jebbus!

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Ma délután beszéltem a barátommal Haderában, ő az IDF tartalékos, félig nyugdíjas, a C4i hadtest. Ezek az ő személyes gondolatai:

Egy október 7-i támadás, bármilyen szimbolikus is legyen, rossz, mert:

a) Irán azt fogja gondolni, hogy aznap támadás érheti, és megerősíti a védekezését és a riasztási állapotát.

b) Izrael fokozott készenlétben lesz az "Al-Aqsa Flood" évfordulóján elkövetett esetleges támadások miatt.

Izrael jobb, ha csapást mér annak érdekében, hogy a legtöbb kárt okozza az ellenségnek, mintsem bármiféle szimbolikus csapást.

A támadási formák három fokozatúak lennének:

1) Enyhe reakció – A nukleáris létesítmények elleni támadás; a potenciális nukleáris fegyvergyártási képességek megsemmisítése és a Yellowcake dúsítása Natanzban és Iszfahánban, esetleg másokban.

2) Közepes reagálás – Az olajinfrastruktúra megsemmisítése, amely magában foglalja a finomítást, a szállítást, súlyos gazdasági károkat okozva, ami többet fog okozni, mint a szankciók valaha is tehetnék.

3) Súlyos válaszlépés – Sztrájk magát Khamanei elpusztítására, ami az Iszlám Köztársaság potenciális megdöntéséhez vezethet.

Személy szerint úgy véli, hogy az enyhe válasz a legvalószínűbb a következő okok miatt:

a) Nincs elidegenedés a civilektől.

b) Irán bebizonyította, hogy tud robbanófejeket szállítani Izraelnek, ez a tökéletes indoklás arra, hogy ezek soha ne kerülhessenek nukleárissá.

c) A nukleáris létesítmények eltalálása „egyszer az életben” indokolt. Amikor Izrael bombázta Irak nukleáris létesítményeit, világszerte elítélték, beleértve a szövetségeseket is. Aztán kitört az Öböl-háború, és mindenki rájött, milyen szerencsés, hogy Szaddámnak nem volt nukleáris képessége.

Ha a kulcsfontosságú nukleáris telephelyeket ugyanúgy károsíthatja, mint a Hezbollah főhadiszállásán, az megfelelő válasz lenne, és „Hasbara-barát” indoklással járna:

„Irán ICBM-eket indított Izrael államban, néhány áthatoló légvédelemmel és károkat okozva. Ezért teljesen joggal biztosítjuk, hogy ezeket a rakétákat soha ne szereljék fel nukleáris hasznos teherrel."

Túlzottan ambiciózus azt feltételezni, hogy a jelenlegi kabinet relatív módon aktiválná a Moszad vagyonát, hacsak nem feltétlenül szükséges (tekintettel arra, hogy az említett eszközök m
Belgian camera crew goes to the sight of a building in Beirut attacked by the IAF to show the plight of the innocent people of Lebanon, gets attacked and hospitalised after being interrogated for hours because of "SPY!!!" with many broken bones and the cameraman having been shot in the leg ...

All by the innocent people of Lebanon.

I can't help but feel the Juice are to blame for all of this by their continued existence:rolleyes:

Comment sections are turned off, I wonder why :rolleyes:
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The attack against the upscale residential area in Damascus is rumoured to have killed Maher al-Assad, Bashar al-Assad's brother. He's been rumoured to have been killed before, but those were amateurs playing assassin.

Guy is MLK, Ghandi and Mother Teresa all-in-one.

Funny pictures thread or this thread, hard hard decisions...
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I didn't know we can do this, but apparently we can.
Well... you can seed clouds I suppose?
Oh yes. And wee do it digitally too.

Also, a pretty nice summary of the recent missile attack:
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Some space wars footage:
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In the meantime here in the US the liberal scumbags are still attempting to take Trump down with another lawfare attempt by that jack leg no special prosecutor smith. This one will also be tossed out by the supreme court. Days away from election and they have a lot to hide believe me before Trump takes them all down. This regime in the white house is directly responsible for all these problems in the Mideast and world wide make no mistake about it. Israel will not play this game with these silly heathens that bought missile technology and traitors. I hope Israel bombs the dog s**t out of Iran until the Iranians have no military left. Make a huge hole where their once nuclear building dreams sat.
A short time away from having massive sanctions re instituted by Trump within hours of his taking office again. This time they'll starve that regime to death. There are millions of good Iranians who want nothing to do with these ignorant backward mullahs trying to live as if it were 2000 years ago except with modern weapons. The Iranians were peaceful people but jimi carter the first moron in the white house allowed this evil regime to take over their country and butcher all the intelligent leaders. Our youth here in America were never taught any history and only brain f****d to vote liberal and be a coward their entire lives. Few have served the nation in any capacity and only have their hands out for the freebies to keep them voting liberal.
No doubt the Barackan One will be receiving another Nobel Peace Prize for this or some terrorist supporting NGO unlike someone who actually deserves it..

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The reaction from the anti-slavery crowd?

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Very true. I've been thinking along the same lines lately.

We don't know for sure how exactly it will end. But Israel more or less completely dismantling two of the main Iranian proxies, whilst badly damaging others and keeping basically unscathed by all the post October 7th attempts, will most certainly change dramatically the balance of power in the Middle East.

The emperor's fat ass will shine in all its embarrassing nakedness and Iran will loose the status of the regional bogyman. Islamism as a viable pan-ME civilizational and political project will be severely damaged, and conversely the New ME axis (Israel + moderate Arabs) will get a tremendous boost with new members joining in.

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