I would have him do something meaningful. Something that has an actual, tangible, impact.
Not "something for the sake of doing something". Which is pretty much was he is doing: hitting a river with a stick in the hope it will stop it from flowing in a given direction.
The kind of response applied by Biden isn't the appropriate one, and that was established right from the start of the bombing campaign. Houthis' abilities are not deterred, their will to carry out their operations aren't either. They are not necessarily emboldened either, but each of their actions is basically them sticking one in the US&cie's collective face and rubbing it in while saying "whatcha gonna do about it?"
As of today ships are still being attacked, hit by missiles and drones and boarded.
Stating this fact does not mean one should "do nothing", but instead think a bit more in order to find a proper solution instead of going for the easiest and most expedient one.
But saying "what should be done" is harder to say "what shouldn't have been done".
What shouldn't have been done is removing the Houthis from the list of terrorist organizations; but Biden did it for bleeding heart reasons.
The revocations are intended to ensure that relevant U.S. policies do not impede assistance to those already suffering what has been called the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. Ansarallah leaders remain sanctioned.
What should have been done is not waiting that many weeks before reacting to Houthis' attacks on civilian merchant ships.
What should have been done is organizing an actual, and working, task force in the region. And not a half-assed slapped together group of people who don't really seem to be interested in working together.