Warfare HAMAS attack on Israel, Oct 2023 & Iran’s Proxies.

Őszintén igyekszem megérteni a csatatéren szerzett tapasztalataimból, hogy mi megy át egy katona agyán az önvédelem érdekében a tűzharc során, de attól is aggódom, hogy az izraeli kommandósokat október 7. után mondták, hogy távolítsák el az összes biztonsági eszközt és ha mozog, lődd le őket [vért vérért]. Most jó vagy rossz irányban új, szigorú ROE-k alatt állnak, amelyek egy-két másodperccel megnövelik reakcióidejüket, hogy részt vegyenek a csatatéren & várhatóan az izraeli katonák veszteségei fognak felmenni.& biztos, hogy a Hamasz tudja, hogy & hasznukra fogják használni. F**k.
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By the way …

Here's definitive proof the post-colonialist types are inherently anti-Semitic and not, as they insist, merely anti-Zionists:

On the hand, they argue that the experience of slavery and colonialism has traumatised the Africans so thoroughly that even many generations after the fact they ought to be paid reparations. They tell us that the historical injustices inflicted upon the Africans are so numerous and grave that we're lucky they don't make war on us in rightful retribution, and that we've lost all right even to criticise their human rights abuses.

If that is so, how come the Jewish people with its much longer history of agony and oppression isn't afforded that same preferential treatment, that same benefit of the doubt?

I have an idea which I'll propose to the next obnoxious leftist I shall meet: Give Israel's "overreaction" a pass, and we shall pay reparations to the Africans. How about that?
You mean like the last time they allowed the enemy to retreat and regroup and of course re-arm. Their tactics are spot on after the butchering of children, don't stop until all of the enemy are living in another country or all are dead.
You mean like the last time they allowed the enemy to retreat and regroup and of course re-arm. Their tactics are spot on after the butchering of children, don't stop until all of the enemy are living in another country or all are dead.
The IDF mission plan & the directive from the PM is to leave no hamas member alive & while this is not compassionate of me I'm afraid after seeing the Gaza civilians celebrating the dead Israelis paraded thru the streets on 07OCT & the USA's 911 they may regrow terrorism after hamas is gone. I wonder at what age children learn to hate? But, I'm sure it will take the wisdom of King Solomon to sort it out in the future.
I absolutely love the news titles like that. The devil in the details, of course. In the very same article:
Overall, the survey found that 81 percent of respondents back Israel. Among the youngest age bracket, though, support is evenly split between Israel and Hamas.
Not entirely unimportant datum for the context.

On several questions, voters in that age group seemed to express contradicting or muddled views. For instance, despite 51% replying in the affirmative when asked if Israel should be “ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians,” 58% of respondents in the group also thought Hamas should be removed from running Gaza.
The survey found that 66% of respondents in the 18-24 age group think that Hamas’s October 7 massacre constituted genocide. At the same time, 60% think that the attacks were justified by Palestinian grievances, indicating that they believe that genocide of Israelis is justified.
Oh you don't say, confused young people have no f***ing idea what they are talking about. Everything is genocide, whilst Hamas should be simultaneously destroyed and awarded the whole Israel. Consider that asking a certain age bracket group would also reveal a widespread belief in Tooth Fairy and Santa Claus. Jesus.
The Egyptian air force shot down a drone off the Sinai Peninsula down the coast from the Israeli border, state-linked media reports.

Witnesses say they saw a second flying object crash on land further up the coast.

Yemen’s Iran-backed Houthi rebels said they had fired multiple drones at southern Israel.

Egyptian television channel Al-Qahera reports “the crash of an unidentified flying object in Egyptian territorial waters near the city of Dahab.”

It quotes witnesses as saying “air defenses detected the flying object and dealt with it immediately.”

A source in the security services tells AFP that it was a drone of which “the origin is still unknown.”

**Appears Egypt knows which side its bread is buttered on**
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I think he is currently in freeze mode and talking with his lawyers about coming impeachment or charges for real felonies while serving as VP. He does not have the mental capacity to issue any proper attack order. Just my opinion of course, god help us when that other moron VP takes over if just for a few months.
Recent man on the streets in the US ask students from major colleges how much is 25% of an hour and not one could answer.
"You know, the thing!" is the correct answer to every question (Y)

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