Hello everybody,
A question regarding the use of a certain firearm in Yugoslavia and beyond:
In August of 1972 the company Yugoexport ordered 500 Ingram M11 (aka MAC-11) machine pistols in .380 ACP, along with 500 M11 holsters, 500 Sionics suppressors w/ holsters and 1500 spare magazines, delivered in early 1973. Does anybody happen to know what organization used these, military or police? Any photos showing Ingrams in Yugoslavia? All of these had the original Powder Springs Military Armament Corp. (MAC) serial numbers of 3-3-00xxxxx scheme. Some of the guns were retained by post-YU countries - the one that recently joined my collection came complete with a Slovenian MoD warehouse book (but one started in 1999 - long after YU and Civil War). The holster and suppressor holster (the latter sadly vacant

) are typical 1970s Cobray stuff, does not appear to be much used, if at all. Which is easy to understand after visiting the shooting range: the vicious little popper is even less useful than a Skorpion, however hard to believe that might seem. Shortly after the Yugo sale the MAC gone bankrupt, which is probably why next small machine pistols bought by YU were the M84 (Czech Sa-61 Skorpions).