Panzer I As advance in a mechanized column past smoking men and officers, Poland, 11 September 1939
Admiral Hipper loading mountain troops in Cuxhaven, April 1940

28th May, 1943. German submarine Type VIIC, U-755, suffers a direct hit from a rocket projectile, while under attack in the Mediterranean Sea north-west of Mallorca from Lockheed Hudson Mark V, AM725 'M', of No. 608 Squadron RAF based at Blida, Algeria. U-755, already damaged as a result of another air attack two days previously, sank in nine minutes with the loss of 40 lives, the first occasion on which a submarine was destroyed by rockets.

Joint wreath-laying ceremony conducted by German and Polish high-ranked officers in Warsaw in 1939, several months before Nazi Germany invaded Poland.


H.Himmler during visit in Poland.
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S-boat S-100 class and her bow 20 mm gun while operating in the English Channel, looking the 2cm Flak 38 gun towards the fully armoured bridge section (Kalottenbrücke) which was introduced with S-100.
Who the hell writes these captions. this is about as close to Russia steps as I'm from San Francisco to Canadian border
Dunno mate, but the same caption is on several different sites that I checked, I couldn't find anything stating otherwise and I'll happily stand corrected :(
Dunno mate, but the same caption is on several different sites that I checked, I couldn't find anything stating otherwise and I'll happily stand corrected :(

Here is the cover from the Russian edition of Francois de Lannoy book "Panzers en Ukraine"


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