Photos WW2 German Forces

Weapons surrendered by the defenders of Warsaw after the German conquest of the city in September 1939

The crew of a German 15cm sFH 18 heavy howitzer, somewhere on the OstFront.
The 149mm / 5.9" sFH 18 could hurl a 43.5 Kg / 96 lb HE projectile out to a maximum range of 13.3 Km / 8.2 miles.

September 1st, 1939..."Polenfeldzug"...the start of the German invasion of neighbouring Poland.
A column of Panzer IIs, accompanied by motorcycle troops crosses the German-Polish border.
The large white crosses applied to German armoured vehicles for this campaign proved to be convenient aiming points for Polish gunners, therefore by the subsequent 1940 invasions of Denmark , Norway, the Low Countries and France it had been replaced by the familiar "Balkenkreuz" with its broad black bands which presented a much less conspicuous target.

A KO'd 7.62 cm PaK36 (r) Pz.Kpfw.38(t)....Marder III.
An effective tank destroyer which was a marriage of captured Soviet 7.62cm divisional guns and the modified chassis of the versatile Czech vz.38 / Pz.Kpfw 38 (t).

WW2 - 1944. Polish Wehrmacht soldier (conscripted) talking to fellow Poles of the 1st Armoured Division in Normandy, France. (my colorization)
Following the German invasion of Poland in 1939, many former citizens of the Second Polish Republic from across the Polish territories annexed by Nazi Germany were forcibly conscripted into the Wehrmacht in Upper Silesia and in Pomerania. They were declared citizens of the Third Reich by law and therefore subject to drumhead court-martial in case of draft evasion.

A Konigstiger during the Battle of Berlin, 1945.

Tiger 311 of the s.SS-Pz.Abt.503 and the photo was taken on Pariser Straße.
The tank was hit by a round from an IS-2 on the 23 April, which obliterated the muzzle brake and killed the loader.

Panther G in Berlin, 1945.

Abandoned Panthers at Lake Balaton, 1945.
Panzer VI "Tiger I" being loaded onto a railway wagon at the Henschel plant in Kassel, Germany. 1943

Streets of Königsberg littered with disabled German vehicles. 1945 (Note the short-tracked Stug on the right)
WWII. Eastern Front. January 1944. A German Panzerwerfer 42 Sd.Kfz. 4/1 self-propelled rocket launcher captured by the Soviet 2nd Shock Army.

Two trainer variants of the German "Mistel" piggy-back explosive drone delivery system.
A typical Mistel combination was a Focke-Wulf 190 mounted above an explosive laden drone...usually a modified Ju 88, though other combinations were also used.
The pilot of the F-W flew the whole combination towards the selected target, aimed and released the drone then flew back to its base.
If all went according to plan the unmanned Ju 88 flew on and impacted upon its target.
They were first used against the Allied invasion fleet off Normandy but met with very limited success.
The images below are of examples captured intact by the Allies at the end of the war.


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