Photos WW2 German Forces

A German soldier inspects an 18th century cannon, carrying the monogram GR for Georgius Rex, at Elizabeth Castle in the St Aubin Bay, Jersey.
Channel Islands 1941.

German MG34 MMG (medium machine gun) team using a long range optical sight. For distance firing (in theory up to 3000m, indirect 3500m) an optical device was mounted. In any sustained firing situation, the tracer round was often used for aiming. In this case the gunner is not looking through the optic but over it for a better field of view.

German paratroopers of Fallschirm-jäger-Regiment 3, 1. FallschirmjägerDivision arrest / execute suspectedpartisans during an military patrol inthe Trigno River area of Abruzzo ledby FJ Oberleutnant Rudolf Rennecke.Following the raid, the captured men, forced to dig their own grave, stoodat it's edge and were subsequently
shot. Southern Italy. 5-9 Nov. 1943.

Panzer VI 'Tigers of SS-Obergruppenführer Paul Hausser's II.SS-Panzerkorps, after the successful break-out from Generaloberst Hans-Valentin Hube's (1. Panzer Army) moving Pocket. The photo is taken in the area of Tarnopol in Galizien on 22 April 1944 by PK-Kriegsberichter Valtingojer.

German "Schwerer Ladungsträger Borgward IV." It was used to carry and deposit a heavy explosive charge, for blowing up strong points during urban combat, or to clear mine fields.

This a Mörser Karl Gerät 040/041, a 60 cm self-propelled, super-heavy siege mortar of the type employed by the Germans to bombard the Russian cities of Sevastopol and Litovsk...the Polish city of Warsaw during the uprising...and even to try to disrupt the crossing of the Rhine at Remagen.
Needless to say they required huge logistical support simply to deploy them.
Examples were captured by both US and Soviet forces.
The US one was shipped back to Aberdeen Proving Grounds for evaluation but was later scrapped.
The Soviet example now resides at the Kubinka Tank Museum near Moscow.


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