Aftermath of the "Kemi River Battle" during the Winter War, January 1940
These pictures were taken after the Battle of Salla near the Kemi River, where the Finnish Army attacked and destroyed the Soviet Forces in a series of battles from December 13-16, 1939, forcing the Soviets to withdraw
While photographing the bodies on the Kemi River Road, Carl Mydans overheard a Finnish officer say, "The wolves will eat well this winter", the Soviets never attempted a major offensive in the area until the Continuation War in 1944
LIFE Magazine Archives - Carl Mydans Photographer
These pictures were taken after the Battle of Salla near the Kemi River, where the Finnish Army attacked and destroyed the Soviet Forces in a series of battles from December 13-16, 1939, forcing the Soviets to withdraw
While photographing the bodies on the Kemi River Road, Carl Mydans overheard a Finnish officer say, "The wolves will eat well this winter", the Soviets never attempted a major offensive in the area until the Continuation War in 1944
LIFE Magazine Archives - Carl Mydans Photographer
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