Photos WW2 Finnish armed forces

Here is a very rare and interesting photo.It shows german soldiers captured during breaking of the Siege of Leningrad.But,in the foreground you can see a man in the uniform of technical personnel of the finnish air force.Whether he is a finn and how exactly he ended up there I cannot say, but let it be here.
Немецкие солдаты и офицеры,взятые в плен в боях за Ленинград. Ленинградский фронт,17 января 19...jpg
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Finnish ski-trooper killed during fighting around the Murmansk railway
Firefight in Povenets, Finnish-occupied East Karelia, Soviet Union, 2 July 1942. Original colour.
A Finnish soldier observes the woods near a knocked out T-34 and KV-1 tank in Karelia, Finland - 9 May, 1942
Knight of the Mannerheim Cross #9, Captain Kivelä. He wears his Suojeluskunta Civil Guard uniform, look the shoulder patch "S".
Location Mainila ground. September 9, 1941. (SA-Kuva)
Some photographs of the finnish army with weapons supplied to them by their allies in the attack on USSR
Finns with german supplied heavy 88mm anti-air gun
Finns with heavy 88mm anti-air gun.webp
Finnish troops with MG34 Syvärillä 1942
Finnish troop have MG34Syvärillä 1942320.webp
Finnish soldier, according original photo caption a beach sentry, with german supplied
Belgian FN D
Finnish soldier, according original photo caption a beach sentry, with Belgian FN D.webp
Italian 7,35mm Carcano rifles
Italian 7.35 mm Carcano rifle.webp
Swedish mauser(could be swedish volunteer)1942
Swedish Mauser.webp
An original color photo by Carl Gustav Rosenqvist was taken on August 10, 1942 and shows German and Finnish high-ranking officers crossing the Ladoga lake in Finland using Siebelfähre (Siebel's Freight / Ferry Boat) owned by Einsatzstab Fähre Ost (EFO), a Luftwaffe unit in Finland. This ferry operates around the Lake Ladoga region along with Italian MTB (12. Squadriglia MAS) and German mine ships from C-Gruppe / 31.Minensuch-Flottilla. From left to right: Oberstleutnant der Reserve Friedrich-Wilhelm Siebel (Kommandeur Einsatzstab Fähre Ost); Finnish Colonel Eino Iisakki Järvinen (Commander of the Lake Ladoga Beach Brigade), and two unknown Luftwaffe officers (the one on the far right is from the Flak unit based from his waffenfarbe).

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