Great tits terrorize Finnish cows


Mi Colonel
MI.Net Member
Apr 30, 2019
Just read this news article, and had to share it with you, it's not onion:

In town of Simo in southern Lapland, great tits have entered farmhouses and pecked udders of cows. The great tits have so far caused damages of over 30 000€ in several farms. Due to actions of these Great Tits, multiple cows had to be put down.

One farmer said:
- 14 cows have been treated with pain medication and antibiotics. Seven cows had to be put down. That caused us over 20 000€ in damages.

Great tits are pecking the udders to get milk fat.

- Only hundred meters from the farmhouse there is a bird feeder, so they were not hungry. Now we should get rid of all bird feeders in 1.5km range, according to one expert. I can't really force my neighbors to stop feeding birds either, can I?

- I really hate them now! I see them in my sleep. I wake up to those damn great tits, chirping at night!
One pissed of farmer stated.

I’m not terrorized by great tits by any means.

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