In the late 1941 the Finns weren't sure if the enemy had abandoned the Suursaari (Gogland) Island, so they sent a recon patrol on Dec 12. Four Estonians were found and when interrogated they told the Island being unmanned. They had been evacuated from the Hanko base in the beginning of December but somehow managed to reach the Island, obviously not wanting to return to the USSR. As the Gulf of Finland wasn't totally frozen supplies had to be parachuted. Fortunately, a few days later the ice could carry skiers and even 20 mm AA guns. Eventually, that 21 square kilometers large island was secured by some 70 soldiers having two 20 AA guns.
Meanwhile, the enemy had realized the Island being strategically significant, being located in the middle of the Finnish Gulf. A company-sized unit invaded in the night of Jan 2 1942. Finns were engaged in the accommodation area. Most likely the Soviet operation was poorly commanded since practically all Finns managed to retreat to the Haapasaari Island, loosing three MIA.
On Jan 4 the Finnish Supreme HQ ordered the Navy HQ to plan the Suursaari Invasion. The Coastal Brigade of the Eastern Gulf of Finland issued the 2nd Coastal Battalion for the operation. Preparations were started in the mid-January and during the next ten weeks the Battalion thoroughly reconned the defense arrangements using ski patrols. Also the Airforce and radio intelligence participated the preparations.
The pics are taken on March 25-27 in the Haapasaari area.
SA-kuva photos # 78480 and 78582
Jatkosodan historia, osa 6, p. 85-86