As you said, "you don't think". Or perhaps you are trying to assume what I think. Which, maybe, you should not.
And yes, I do have a clue and went beyond the word "colonized".
That project is the kind of BS wokesters are drowning the world under; "decolonizing", "reinventing", "reimagining", "oh I lived of grid and I want others to follow my lead", "we want people to completely rethink the way they do things in order to behave the way we do", "we want you to be introduced to our visions of things", "keep coming and do your homework".
Yeah... so much for "not a thing to be dominated or imposed on but a thing that we are part on".
It may be a different perspective, but it remains an imposed one.
And big lol:
Right, have fun. Your day-dreaming, woke pet project is dead on arrival.
That's a well known and referenced pattern, but you never learn.
By the way, funny thing about national parks and reserve is: the vast majority of littering is not done by visitors, but by the locals living there.