I'm getting pretty tired of woke liberals automatically assuming that Southern and rural people are illiterate, stupid, uneducated hicks. I'm taking a continuing education course for my PE license on electric vehicle charging. They author of the paper stated that the reasons for lack of adoption among the crowd in question are 1) lack of charging infrastructure (somewhat true), 2) lack of consumer awareness (complete BS), 3) lack of availability of PEV models (false), and 4) longer distance trips (the only fully true thing that the author said).
If these idiots would actually come out of their blue mind hives and talk with us, they would discover that these areas are the most car savvy areas in the US. Most of us actually do some work on our own cars ourselves. To think that we don't know about these vehicles is completely preposterous. In fact, most of us can tell you that GM just recently announced that Bolt owners should park at least 50' away from their houses. Also, quelle surprise! we have full service dealers near where we live. Ignoring current times, we can order pretty much anything that we want if it's not on the showroom floor. We just don't want electric vehicles. We normally have to make fairly long trips in poor weather conditions so battery vehicles just don't work out for us. As well, adding charging stations to our homes just isn't viable. We haven't experienced the same wage inflation here that they have in the blue cities, so that expensive charging station is a much, much higher percentage of our income, one that we can't afford. There are people here, however, who can afford the stations and so they get them installed but they just don't make up the same percentage of the population. Lastly, getting back to the first point, most of us here are car guys, at least to some extent, and can tell you that electric vehicles aren't quite ready for massed adoption yet. They'll get there, but they're not there now.