Well they use xenophobe regularly when one is critical of migrant waves. Therefor its very appropriate in this thread.
That's the usual go-to knee-jerk reaction anyway.
When the migrant crisis started, and by that I mean THE migrant crisis following the Arab Spring/Islamist Winter and the war in Syria (with Turkey using migrants and refugees as bargaining chips to get money from Merkel), there were lots of concerns.
Obviously some of these concerns were finding their roots in pure unabashed xenophobia and racism.
Some others of these concerns were more grounded in reality and pragmatism, in short: what do we do with them? And along with it came: how do we do that?
The concern was in term of infrastructure and funding. Which is, in my views at least, something that could qualify as a legitimate kind of concern (even more so since that crisis was taking around winter).
Thing is, each and every year, especially when winter starts, the media feels the need to remind us: winter is cold, homeless people don't have shelters, homeless people die in the street because it's cold and they don't have shelter.
Ok, that is genuinely dramatic. And it's a thing that has been going on for years, if not since forever. Yet nothing, if not very little, has been done for years, if not since forever.
But, somehow, to go back to the migrant crisis, the government was able to find places and fund structures to house and shelter these migrants and refugees. Thumbs up to the gov, but some quickly started to wonder and ask: how come you are able to pull that one out in such a short period of time for that population, when we have been asking for the same thing for years in order to help the homeless?
"Oh well, you are only talking and caring about the homeless now because you are a racist who hates migrants."