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Where my Tavor is currently at. Had to swap out optics after an educational discussion was had by people smarter than me, after the last configuration was posted on to my Facebook.

So far so good.

New month? New gun time!

P365 X Macro.

Did a few comparisons for my friends to see. Almost duty sized when compared to my beloved G45 above:


And compared to the G43X MOS above it that is my current EDC that the 365X will be replacing soon after some range time vetting.

What maintenance do you do on your weapons besides cleaning? Do you gauge them, barrel, CHS?
What maintenance do you do on your weapons besides cleaning? Do you gauge them, barrel, CHS?
Low volume guns? Nothing but a wipe down and lubing after use as well as periodic spot check for rust or dried off parts that always need to stay lubed.

Higher volume guns, depends really and on which type. After each match or training course I wipe down, degrease, inspect, and bore scope for any gas port erosions. On the AR's there's nothing that I don't already have in spades to easily replace anything. Like a broken extractor. That's happened. Same for worn down gas seals failing the BCG dropping or not on it's own test while standing it up on it's bolt head.

Sig will replace almost everything for $89 per pistol and their CS is super fast. Free shipping 2 day Fedex both ways so it's cheaper for me to do it this way and never have to worry about which spare parts to have on hand for the P226R, P320 Compact Carry Nitron 45 ACP, P320 Compact Carry 9x19, or my newer 365X Macro.

Glock has a factory armorer at each GSSF match and they will replace almost anything for free. But since I use them exclusively I also do keep things on hand. If something breaks I put it down and get one of my backups while their armorer takes a look and replaces things. Only happened once but it's nice to know that they do it on call while there no questions asked.

HK is awesome about their warranty too and will 3 day it on their dime pretty much anything I ask for at no charge. Only had to replace a worn down guide rod/spring, and had to send in a VP9 to have it's slide looked at that was replaced as well as the most of the frame's internals.

For my 1911's I am the test shooter for Roger's Precision so he does the tune ups, custom work if needed, and inspections for free on my Staccato P, Colt model 70 Competition, SA Loaded, and SA Operator.

I generally don't gauge my barrels and only replace if accuracy starts to degrade so I'll deep clean, shoot 60 rounds to let the copper fouling recover any imperfections, shoot for group size and if it's still bad then I will replace. If I replace I head space everything and leave nothing to chance.

Right now I am still learning the X95 Tavor and will have an armorer's class this coming May, so I will be able to ask and be educated on things as well as learning about their CS and common parts to have on hand for quick repairs.
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What is forward of the optic on the Tavor top rail?

Some range snobs crap on the micro 9s, but I don't understand why. Modern Micros seem sufficient to need. Sort of getting us back to a level of thin and light from the single stack days. (3913, P7, etc.)
What is forward of the optic on the Tavor top rail?

Some range snobs crap on the micro 9s, but I don't understand why. Modern Micros seem sufficient to need. Sort of getting us back to a level of thin and light from the single stack days. (3913, P7, etc.)
Steiner TOR Mini. Red, green, or IR models but not all three. You're seeing the green laser model. Made for pistols in mind but it's been of great help for PDW shouldered arms like SBR PCC's and SBR rifles where the lack of real estate prevents the use of the full powered active aiming lasers. CQB emergency use if the Vortex UH1 AMG G2 goes down. Faster to deploy than the built in BUIS set that's on that Tavor already.

Should the unfortunate happen, I don't want to give any home intruder any edge accidental or not should the optic die at the worst moment for it to. Going to active when the passive is down is very fast and not as time consuming as getting a rear and a front factory sight set to deploy.

The range snobs crap on it because they run mouths more than guns. Many of these persons running their sucks cannot even manage the 60/40 grip in the isosceles triangle with thumbs forward to reduce muzzle recovery times on even a full size, it's no small wonder WHY using a smaller gun is difficult for them. And also because they're either parroting this from iNfLeNcErS who are paid shills, or flapping gums with no actual experiences other than a one way range session stress free and always in comfortable weather.

There's also another factor at play with the above; recoil sensitivity and being too cowardly to admit that. But I will give them the shorter recoil spring argument but only if they carry a full size and not a compact because even compacts have shorter springs. However a well trained shooter using the 60/40 grip thumb's forward triangle will have almost no issue really.

If your gun no matter what size it is carries well and shoots the best in your hands, then that's the only thing that matters here and not anyone else's opinion on it.
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New month, new gun time! Just a hint for now, still have to get some things done to it before the unveiling.


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My default answer to that is going to be a YES, yes you can.

Also, no new gun purchases for a few months at least. Wife wants a new fridge, a new deep freezer, and household 6 generally gets what she wants because she's also the minister of sex & finances.

Bit of a trek over sadly!
Some serious POI shifts after 25 yards but stayed within minute of man at 50 at least. Will try again another weekend to see if it was me, the rifle, or the optic as that legacy micro was known to have parallax issues which is why they came out with the T2/H2 and stopped making the T1/H1 series.

I couldn't stay as long as I wanted to because I was expected back, and my kid and her little terrorist of grandma and papa makes me smile all day long.


Is that in .270?

EDIT: Never mind, I see it's in 30-06.
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Yes, .30-06 or as my gunsmith calls it, the proper caliber. LOL

Cannot wait to get it on the range. Has not been fired since the 70s and the same gunsmith gave it a clean bill of health. A little scary so I'm going to start with a 150gr reduced power load for an M1 and work up to 185gr hunting loads.
Yes, .30-06 or as my gunsmith calls it, the proper caliber. LOL

Cannot wait to get it on the range. Has not been fired since the 70s and the same gunsmith gave it a clean bill of health. A little scary so I'm going to start with a 150gr reduced power load for an M1 and work up to 185gr hunting loads.
When you said 185, were you talking about using Berger 30 cal 185 VLD's by any chance?
When you said 185, were you talking about using Berger 30 cal 185 VLD's by any chance?
Yes, it is the only 185 I know of. I've got one box of it and the rest of the hunting loads I have are Hornady Outfitter in 180gr.
I think there were quite a few Win Model 70s in .270 (this one is rebadged as Sears and Roebuck Model 53). It is still a fairly common hunting caliber here in the States, I have a few colleagues/buddies in the upper midwest that run it.