And rightly so. Just about any somewhat functional piece of equipment in the Russian inventory that wasn't designed just after the end of WW2 has parts with Thales stickers on them
@Mordoror and @Ivan le Fou already said everything that needs saying about this subject. Let's not exaggerate, shall we?
and Germany has been one of the main bankrollers of Russia over the past two decades.
You might want to reconsider going there. 2021 imports from Russia according to

Poland: 6.1%
The Netherlands: 3.7%
United Kingdom: 3.7%
Germany: 2.0%
France: 1.1%

And the primary recipients of Russian exports:

China: $49.15B
The Netherlands: $24.82B
United Kingdom: $23.16B
Germany: $18.62B
Turkey: $15.93B

Looks like the Dutch are contributing more to the Russian war chest than the Germans, doesn't it?
Neither should have any leadership role in the EU or the European side of NATO.
Could be a tad difficult for the EU to do anything meaningful after it's excluded the two countries that make up 33% of the European population and who single-handedly contribute more to the common budget than the rest. Who's going to foot your bills in the future when Greece needs bailing out again? Italy? The same goes for NATO, even after Poland's remarkable rearmament programme. Will the Dutch people bring the Royal Netherlands Armed Forces back to 1982 levels again? That might just be enough to fill the gap which would be left by, say, France.
At this point I'd rather trust Poland and frickin' Turkey as they know what the hell they are talking about with regards to Russia and have been warning people for many years. Vanity, political ideology and personal financial interests insured those warnings fell on deaf ears.
Turkey has been warning people for years about Russia? Turkey just got done buying expensive air defence systems from Russia. Turkey just got done colluding with Russia to help push illegal immigrants into the EU in a petty bid to extract billions from the rest of us. Turkey has just threatened to compromise the integrity of NATO by blocking Sweden's and Finland's membership pleas because the Swedish police didn't tear-gas pro-PKK rallies quickly enough for the Sultan's liking. Could we please return to some semblance of objective discussion?
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An attempt by Ukrainian soldiers to shoot down a Russian plane with MANPADS

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The Russian army stopped the APU's attempt to cross the river. The battle unfolded on the Seversky Donets River, presumably near the village of Petrovskoye, where the Ukrainian army created a pontoon crossing and tried to cross the river. Russian motorized skirmishers engaged in battle and adjusted artillery fire on the guided crossing and the AFU equipment sheltering in the forest. As a result of the battle, the ferry was destroyed and drowned. The Ukrainian troops who managed to cross were destroyed by artillery fire.

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Combat operations of Russian airborne units in Ukraine. The personnel conducts offensive battles in Ukraine and destroys enemy firing points. The assault on enemy strongholds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine is carried out with the fire support of mortar crews and crews of combat vehicles of the landing force.

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Ukrán katonák kísérlete MANPADS-ekkel lelőni egy orosz repülőgépet

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Az orosz hadsereg leállította az APU kísérletét a folyón való átkelésre. A csata a Szeverszkij-Donyec folyón bontakozott ki, feltehetően Petrovszkoje falu közelében, ahol az ukrán hadsereg pontonátkelőt alakított ki és megpróbált átkelni a folyón. Az orosz motorizált összecsapók harcban álltak és tüzérségi tüzet igazítottak az irányított átkelőhelyen és az erdőben menedéket nyújtó AFU felszereléseken. A csata következtében a komp megsemmisült és vízbe fulladt. Az ukrán csapatokat, akiknek sikerült átkelniük, tüzérségi tűz semmisítette meg.

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Orosz légideszant egységek harci műveletei Ukrajnában. A személyzet támadó csatákat folytat Ukrajnában, és megsemmisíti az ellenséges lőpontokat. Az Ukrán Fegyveres Erők ellenséges erődítményei elleni támadást a leszállóerő aknavető-legénységének és harcjármű-legényeinek tűztámogatásával hajtják végre.

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Üdvözöljük a szentpétervári trollgyár önkéntesét.
I cannot speak about Sweden, but Finnish leadership has made it clear for months publicly that joining NATO will entail countries trying to horse trade/squeeze something for their own benefit. And that's to be expected. If you want to call that vulgarly "blackmail", fine its semantics at this point.

Cannot speak for others but this Turkish and before that Croatian Presidents comments are to be expected.

edit. as for the issue itself. I think there's some truth to your statement

Nahhh... let's be honest:
Erdogan is about as good a guy in this story as, say, Franco was in 1941
Well I just came out of the voting booth and did something I've never done before, I actually voted tactically.

There are state elections in North Rhine-Westphalia (where I live, now you know). I actually split my two votes between the AfD and CDU. I voted for the AfD candidate in my district and for the CDU party list. I just couldn't wholeheartedly vote AfD as some of their comments regarding Russia's actions in Ukraine just rubbed me the wrong way, even though I can easily agree with some of the relative clauses they utter, but still...

Then again I cannot simply overlook what the CDU has done to Germany's infrastructure, energy disposition (nuclear phase-out etc.) and armed forces. Now, to be fair most of that was quintessentially Merkelian, but the party followed her to their doom. The AfD OTOH seems to be the only political party in Germany that even knows how to spell "Flüssigsalzreaktor", which would certainly diminish Russia's economic weight and its leverage on European politics.

So since Merz is a somewhat acceptable candidate to me I will give the CDU one final chance to unf#ck themselves and come up with a combined economic-infrastructure-defence programme for the next federal elections, I will keep my eyes and ears open as ever and see if Berlin's dipsh!ts actually manage to derive some lessons from this war.

EDIT: Typos
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I wonder what justified broadcasting from an "undisclosed location" though.
Or maybe we (all EU) should have forced the Ukrainians to implement Minsk and Minsk II agreements (which they never did)

How and especialy why should we have forced them, when the other side never did and also never intended to play along as they defied the implementation of any of the Minsk protocols in every single instance, because they kept attacking and have an ultranationalist agenda ?
Was there any instance above Russia, that stopped them from invading and absorbing Ukrainian territory ? Was there any instance above Russia, that prevented them from instigating a secession and continuously saboutaging every single effort to negotiate a settlement that wasn't compromising Ukraine's territorial integrity, or even a temporary ceasefire agreement ?
Why then, should the Russians be allowed to just mess with countries like that, dictate the terms or force unfavourable settlements, and get away with it ? What right would we have, to force the Ukrainians, when their opposition doesn't give a single hoot and just continues their aggresion anways ? Literaly one of the main points of Minsk I were to stop all offensive operations, "withdraw illegal armed groups and military equipment as well as fighters and mercenaries from the territory of Ukraine" and allow independent monitoring of the Russo-Ukrainian border. The protocol never intended to recognize the two separatist enclaves or their band formations, but make Ukraine grant them autonomy while still keeping them as part of their country. If anyone believes that the Russians would have ever been satisfied with those terms and sated, they are delusional. The fact, Minsk I got cancelled because the Russians launched assaults to grab some more territory, speaks for itself.

(Really just wanted to be on page1000)
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Thats weird as fvck:
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Finally the real important news of the day... European song contest!!! ?
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Probably won't take long before we see some of them being destroyed.
I'm not sure there is any logical answer or solution.

If Ukr pushes Russia out, Russia losses, Russia hates Ukraine, russia comes back in 5-10 years.

If Ukr 'agrees' Russia can keep Crimea, nothing stops Russia re-arming and coming back in 5 years time, hopefully for another arsekicking.


Countries that lose wars, tend to have a change of government. Japan was mentioned earlier, but only the Emperor was kept on, the government and system of government was changed, forcibly of course, and we are not the same with Russia.

But Argentina, wasnt invaded, but moved from dictatorship to democracy. Russia could split up? Certainly the CIS is not looking great.

Sanctions are part of this, they should stand for as long as Russia doesnt agree to real peace, with a demil zone inside Russia. Russia started this, and needs to feel all the pain.
The current Russian government started this. Personally, I think it would be a terrible result, with world-wide consequences, if Russia as a nation-state ended up split or in turmoil.

The Russian invasion must fail, and fail dismally, including its ill-gotten Crimean gains so the current Kremlin masters have nothing to show for their aggression. But Russia proper and the Russian people should not be a long-term target IMHO.
huh. Ukraine seems to be the "hub" of more than a few shady enterprises.
No more or less than any other country in the world.
Footage of artillery strikes on failed Russian bridging attempt:

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White smoke being generated by a tank trying to cover the bridge with a smokescreen, failed to achieve anything by doing it alone.
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No more or less than any other country in the world.
Not sure I would put my signature under that statement. Russia, China and places such as Zimbabwe are hotbeds of corruption, yet none of the above have hired incompetent drug addled offspring of sitting presidents for positions they have 0 qualification for.
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Ok, the armbands on the "wrong" side is years long tradition, but this just looks wrong lol

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