"The Regia Torpediniera
Aliseo in action" - painting by Sandro Feruglio, showing the torpedo-boat
Aliseo during the battle off Bastia, 9 September 1943
In Corsica, occupied by German and Italian forces since the year before, the announcement of the Italian armistice in the evening of 8 September 1943 led to a "gentlemen's agreement" between the Italian and German commands, with the latter being allowed to embark for the continent without hostilities.
However, this accord had a very brief life; in the port of Bastia, where several German and Italian units were based (two sub-chasers and five
MFP, and two torpedo-boats moored in port and another patrolling the exit, respectively), at 2345H German seamen, in a clearly preplanned attempt, stormed the torpedo-boat
Ardito with surprise, killing a large part of the Italian crew (70 out of 180), as well as the Italian merchantmen in the port.
The Italian command immediately informed the high command in Rome and at the same time adopted a clear line of action: "Answer force by force." Just before the dawn of the 9 September, a detachment of the 10th Bersaglieri Group arrived and counterattacked, forcing the Germans to order to weigh anchor and try to get out of Bastia, under the fire of Italian costal batteries, that damaged the sub-chaser
Uj 2203.
The torpedo-boat
Aliseo, still out of the port, received orders to engage and destroy the enemy flotilla: not as easy as it sounds, as its two 100 mm guns and ten 20 mm MGs have to match two 88 mm and five 75 mm guns, nine 37 mm and fourteen 20 mm MGs. However, with a veteran crew and led by an experienced and aggressive officer, Capitano di Fregata
Carlo Fecia di Cossato (who had become a submarine ace in the Atlantic Ocean), the
Aliseo did her job; shrugging off an 88 mm shell that temporarily brought her to a stop, between 0700H and 0835H all German vessels are sunk or blown up, helped in this by the fellow torpedo-boat
Cormorano. The
Battle off Bastia was over.