Light cruiser USS Detroit (CL-8) undergoes routine refit while British light cruiser HMS Orion (in the background) is under major repairs following evacuation of Crete (late May, 1941) where she suffered significant damage. 18 February 1942, Mare Island.
ORION was attacked by enemy aircraft during the evacuation of Crete
Near misses off the starboard quarter caused Y1, 2, 3 and 4 and B7 and 9 O.F tanks to leak while the after 6" magazine was flooded. Leaks caused contamination in A3 and 4 O.F. tanks.
A direct hit occurred on the roof of "A" turret , the bomb finally exploding on the after side of roller path. Serious structural damage took place within a radius of 30 ft from bursts and "A" gunhouse was wrecked, The roof of "A" turret hit "B" guns. A cordite fire occurred in "A" turret and lobby and fires started on lower and upper decks in this vicinity, the forward magazines were flooded as a precautionary measure. Serious damage took place to important electric cables.
Another direct hit bomb struck the bridge, perforated the bridge structure, and burst in the lower steering position. Serious structural damage occurred between 53 to 80 stations over the full width of the ship between hold and forecastle decks. The crown of 4" HA magazine (80 lb NC) was blown down a maximum of 6in. Minor splinter damage was sustained. The failure of all L.P. except local batteries to "X" and "Y" turrets occurred. Fires started in the vicinity of the burst, and the switchboard was abandoned, due to intense heat* while "A" 8 boiler room was temporarily evacuated."
She suffered 106 killed including her Captain, Geoffrey Back, RN.