Photos Mountain Troops

I thought that the "Styrian Donkey" was a distinct breed, I guess I got it wrong, the animals are just from a Styrian stud farm.

A short synopsis of the German article.

The donkeys are more intelligent then horses or mules. Although they can carry only half the weight a Haflinger can carry, about 80kg, but they have the advantage that they can work at much higher altitudes then the horses and mules. Up to 5000m above sea level. All three species can make up to 100 km per day and work for up to 16 hours.

It depends on terrain and environment what animal the Austrian Gebirgsjäger choose for a specific mission.

I had forgotten to mention the interesting "mix" of the freshly minted "Heersbergführer":

- Two members of the Austrian "Jagdkommando" in the second and third row to the left.
- Two members of Swedish "Kustjägare", front and second row, third from the left.
- German "Kommando Spezialkräfte" or "Fallschirmjäger", second row, fourth from the left.
- Two members of the British SAS, second row sixth and seventh form the left.
Change of command ceremony at the 93e Régiment d'Artillerie de Montagne. Colonel Joan GUIGUET pssed over command to Volonel Cyril IORDANOW.

The target acquisition and surveillance battery of the 93e RAM had a three day training camp at the Valoire-Galibier military reservation to familiarise with the new "Murin" artillery radar.

I had forgotten to mention the interesting "mix" of the freshly minted "Heersbergführer":

- Two members of the Austrian "Jagdkommando" in the second and third row to the left.
- Two members of Swedish "Kustjägare", front and second row, third from the left.
- German "Kommando Spezialkräfte" or "Fallschirmjäger", second row, fourth from the left.
- Two members of the British SAS, second row sixth and seventh form the left.

Its always amused me that 22 SAS has sent guys to the Heersbergfuhrer couse for ever but almost never the RM ML2 course - while we tended to do our exchanges with the French, Americans and even Italians.

Something to do with the higher pass rates I suspect...

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