Yahia Al Shaer
Operation Musketeer ... The mountain gave Birth to a mouse. ", ...General Massu, 1956
Dr. Yahia Al Shaer

Operation Musketeer
( Operation Mousquetaire )
Part I
" The mountain gave Birth to a mouse. "......General Massu, 1956
These lines are exempts from " The 1956 Forgotten War, Secrets of the underground resistance in Port Said, " a book written by Yahia Al Shaer, which will appears during 2001.
The information, are driven from the chapters dealing with the Anglo-French assault operations against Port Said. Many photos have been taken inside the city and are being published for the first time to the European readers. We should bear in mind, that this is an exempt and a summary only of some chapters.
Writing for history prerequisites from the writer to preserve a clear and emotionless neutrality opposite to the involved armies in any military conflict before documenting the events and expects no hidden propaganda for either fronts, particularly if the writer has participated on any of the fighting fronts.
It demands precise research, which in this case has included an extensive study of most of the published books in Europe UK France and USA in addition to all the Arabic books and reports written about this forgotten war.
My participation in this war on the Egyptian front in Port Said in addition to having played a major role, particularly in Planing the underground resistance activities Co-ordinating and Implementing and their attacks and Co-Leading the secret underground groups against the Anglo-French troops adds a specific value to the following lines.
It is unbelievable, how a dark star has accompanied this operation and sustained from revealing its light upon it
The Anglo-French differences since the beginning of the war against Port Said, partially because of Century old Military rivalry between the Commanding Officers of both nations have characterised this war.
These differences were not found only in the Language but also clearly seen in the differences of deployed Equipment, applied Tactics, implemented plans. Before every thing, in the individual behaviour of the soldiers in the occupied areas under their authority.
The behaviour of French soldiers in Port Fouad or during the assault have not was characterised with severity and sometimes savageness opposite to the Egyptian POWs, inhabitants of the small sister City and have declared Port-Fouad as a French Colony. Consequentially, they have transported many POWs to France, meanwhile the British soldiers were behaving in a more civil manner, Only some exceptions
The differences between Britain and its ally France have mounted every day.
It started and ended with frustrating not only the UN and USA, but most important of all, disappointing thousands of British citizens including many involved soldiers, who did not understand the reasoning for deploying such huge destructive Naval Armadas, concentration of numerous military troops and the engagement of the massive Air power against a helpless city " Port Said ", which was still remaining in their vivid memories as a peaceful little town.
It was the last time in history that two empires, in association would ever try to impose their will on a weaker nation. These facts have contributed to the increasing fierceness of the underground resistance operations against the British troops.
Britain stood alone to face its destiny, namely.
".... The declination of the British Empire and its dissolution for ever after the Suez Crisis "......
Prime Minister Sir Antony Eden
The crisis was provoked by an American and British decision not to finance the construction of the Aswan Dam, as they had promised. Their refusal was a direct response to the growing ties between Egypt and Czechoslovakia and the Soviet Union.
Gamal Abdel Nasser reacted to the American and British decision by the nationalisation of the Suez Canal Company on July 26th 1956.
Prime Minister Sir Antony Eden was obsessed with comparing Nasser's Nationalisation of the Suez Canal with Hitler/Mussolini in the '30s.
As a stanch Opponent of Chamberlain's appeasement policy twenty years ealier, PM Eden believed that he had to act with force against the Egyptians, otherwise Gamal Abdel Nasser would emerge as the next Hitler.
Eden was also influenced by Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri-Al-Said and King Feisal, both of whom were dining with Eden at No. 10 when the Crisis occurred.
Their response to Nasser's action was "You've got to hit him fast, and you've got to hit him now!". Often, the role of the individual leader can prove to be a turning point in any conflict.
The endless efforts to achieve a consense between Prime Minister Antony Eden's hate to Gamal Abdel Nasser and the implementation of war plans that result in harvesting the fruits of its objectives have led nowhere but the damage and prestigious loss to both Britain and France Economy.
Operation Musketeer has started as a crusading WAR and ended as a military expedition. Literally, it started by dark; ended in dark and its full details still remains in dark, even the that of Egyptians.
Dr. Yahia Al Shaer
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