Warfare HAMAS attack on Israel, Oct 2023 & Iran’s Proxies.

There is no such possibility. IDF says it can't in principle prevent from people returning home with disassembled AKs and handguns hidden somewhere in their backyards. This is not the point of it. The point is to prevent presence of organized fighting force with all the necessary infrastructure and heavy armament necessary to conduct an October 7 type of attack.

It is now known internally that Hezbollah is relocating its heavy weaponry and armaments north of the Litani River, specifically to the towns of Nabatiyeh, Ghaziyeh, and Sidon, as well as eastward between the towns of Rachaya and Anjar. Some Shiite officers within the Lebanese army are reportedly assisting them. Hopefully Israel is keeping its eagle eye on them
Először is, nincs olyan, hogy ez a fajta "dokumentálás". Olyan forgatókönyvet készítesz magadnak, amelyben higgyél – ez nem hollywoodi vagy spielbergi film; ez a való világ. Ez az elfogultság az oroszoktól származott, amikor leterítettük a propagandát, biztosan minden törökellenes bedől. Fentebb kifejtettem, miért támogatjuk őket; egyébként, mint török nemzet, nem gyűlöljük Izraelt vagy a zsidókat. Remélem, tisztában van vele, hogy a történelem során, a spanyol inkvizíciótól a náci mészárlásig a törökök mindig is védték a zsidókat. Törökország Hamasz támogatása mindig is retorikai jellegű volt; soha nem terjedt ki az anyagi segítségre. Ráadásul az, hogy Erdoğan milyen ideológiához ragaszkodik, nem érint engem vagy a hazámat. Még a legkisebb intelligencia is megértené, hogy ezeket a "kutyákat" kezdetben kiengedték a sejtekből, hogy biztosítsák, Aszad ellenzéke ne nyerjen. Ki tudja, lehet, hogy ezeket a "kutyákat" a Moszad képezte ki, mert a Moszadnak legutoljára olyan Egyiptomot, Szíriát és Törökországot akarná, amelyet a Muszlim Testvériséghez hasonló kormányok irányítanak. És mégis, miközben ezek a "kutyák" egész Európát és minket megtámadtak, figyelemre méltó, hogy egyetlen izraeli sem sérült meg...

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ehmmm... https://besacenter.org/turkey-isis-relationship/
) https://anca.org/columbia-university-researchers-confirm-turkeys-links-to-isis/
Something you need to understand, when it comes to Netanyahu and the Israel mainstream media (Ynet is the electronic edition of Yediot Ahoronot, which is the Israel version of, say, Washington Post): about 40% are going to be outright lies (usually presented as leaks by anonymous sources), 40% misrepresentation of reality to the point of basically lies, and 20% carefully selected facts to support the other 80%.
Not entirely dissimilar to the anti-Trump "coverage" in US.
Something you need to understand, when it comes to Netanyahu and the Israel mainstream media (Ynet is the electronic edition of Yediot Ahoronot, which is the Israel version of, say, Washington Post): about 40% are going to be outright lies (usually presented as leaks by anonymous sources), 40% misrepresentation of reality to the point of basically lies, and 20% carefully selected facts to support the other 80%.
Not entirely dissimilar to the anti-Trump "coverage" in US.
khmmm... did the paper write the truth or not?
ehmmm... https://besacenter.org/turkey-isis-relationship/
) https://anca.org/columbia-university-researchers-confirm-turkeys-links-to-isis/
A Greek source blaming Turks? Shocking, truly! And a bitter Hungarian who lost their independence to the Turks wants to point fingers too? Cute. Let’s not forget, you were begging to deal with the refugees. If your so-called 'ISIS lover' Erdoğan is gone, don’t worry — the new government will happily teleport those refugees straight to Budapest and Greece.

Let’s get one thing straight: the claim of Wikileaks that Turks cooperated with ISIS stems from situations where Turkish hostages were taken by ISIS in Mosul, leading to agreements that involved a few trucks and monetary aid for their release. Beyond that, Turkey has consistently supported Turkmen and opposition forces — no one else!. In 2016-7, during the Euphrates Shield operation, Turkey captured Al-Bab from ISIS, losing over 80 soldiers in direct combat against the group. Unlike the baseless accusations, Turkey has actively fought against ISIS on the ground, paying the price with its own blood.

A Greek source blaming Turks? Shocking, truly! And a bitter Hungarian who lost their independence to the Turks wants to point fingers too? Cute. Let’s not forget, you were begging to deal with the refugees. If your so-called 'ISIS lover' Erdoğan is gone, don’t worry — the new government will happily teleport those refugees straight to Budapest and Greece.

Let’s get one thing straight: the claim of Wikileaks that Turks cooperated with ISIS stems from situations where Turkish hostages were taken by ISIS in Mosul, leading to agreements that involved a few trucks and monetary aid for their release. Beyond that, Turkey has consistently supported Turkmen and opposition forces — no one else!. In 2016-7, during the Euphrates Shield operation, Turkey captured Al-Bab from ISIS, losing over 80 soldiers in direct combat against the group. Unlike the baseless accusations, Turkey has actively fought against ISIS on the ground, paying the price with its own blood.

sorry, but this is boring.

in about an hour you're the second person here to defend, or rather deflect, "but this was published on a site that is not friendly, so it's not true"
Well then my little friends, all the Foxnews news that the MAGA alufolics quote by the thousands is not true, just like the news in the Israeli press about Iran is not true, and Putin must be a saint because of the crap that is being written about him in the papers in the west

a little history:
The Turks were kicked out after 150 years, with the help of an international coalition. Whole regions of the country were destroyed under their rule. Despite this, we are not hostile to the Turks as a nation.
sorry, but this is boring.

in about an hour you're the second person here to defend, or rather deflect, "but this was published on a site that is not friendly, so it's not true"
Well then my little friends, all the Foxnews news that the MAGA alufolics quote by the thousands is not true, just like the news in the Israeli press about Iran is not true, and Putin must be a saint because of the crap that is being written about him in the papers in the west

a little history:
The Turks were kicked out after 150 years, with the help of an international coalition. Whole regions of the country were destroyed under their rule. Despite this, we are not hostile to the Turks as a nation.
I don’t expect much in terms of accuracy from these sources, as they’re usually biased and exaggerate, or even distort, the facts to serve their own agenda. I've edited on Wikipedia for years, believe me, the kind of biases that go on there will blow your mind. Because misinformation is a type of irregular warfare. The strategy of 'throw S**t, if it doesn't stick, it'll leave a mark' always works. Let’s me give you ''a little history'' about the Ottoman-Hungarian relations you mentioned, and get into a bit of reality.

The Hungarian leader Hunyadi made an agreement with the Turks after battle and while the Turks were fighting the east, he brought a Christian army (Crusade) to confront the Turks to be kicked out. In the end, he was defeated, and Ottomans forced overyears subdue Hungary to Turkish rule. The same thing happened with the Byzantine Empire — while the Turks were fighting the Fatimids, the Byzantines betrayed their agreement, attacked from behind, and laid siege to Malazgirt(Manzikert), leading to their complete destruction.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some fool nationalist. When it comes to history, I prefer to discuss things with reliable sources, not oversimplified or biased narratives.

Let’s also remember that Turks and Hungarians share the same roots, tracing back to Attila the Hun. Despite this shared heritage, and the fact that the Turkish military is currently supporting Hungary’s armed forces, some people still hold onto animosity toward Turks. It’s not difficult to understand, especially given the historical context.

Ohh one more thing.

Just a few years ago, they released a Kentucky Gun Range video claiming it was Turkey's attack. WTF, according to these sources, the Turkish army has a bunch of Rambos or so?

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I don’t expect much in terms of accuracy from these sources, as they’re usually biased and exaggerate, or even distort, the facts to serve their own agenda. I've edited on Wikipedia for years, believe me, the kind of biases that go on there will blow your mind. Because misinformation is a type of irregular warfare. The strategy of 'throw S**t, if it doesn't stick, it'll leave a mark' always works. Let’s me give you ''a little history'' about the Ottoman-Hungarian relations you mentioned, and get into a bit of reality.

The Hungarian leader Hunyadi made an agreement with the Turks after battle and while the Turks were fighting the east, he brought a Christian army (Crusade) to confront the Turks to be kicked out. In the end, he was defeated, and Ottomans forced overyears subdue Hungary to Turkish rule. The same thing happened with the Byzantine Empire — while the Turks were fighting the Fatimids, the Byzantines betrayed their agreement, attacked from behind, and laid siege to Malazgirt(Manzikert), leading to their complete destruction.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not some fool nationalist. When it comes to history, I prefer to discuss things with reliable sources, not oversimplified or biased narratives.

Let’s also remember that Turks and Hungarians share the same roots, tracing back to Attila the Hun. Despite this shared heritage, and the fact that the Turkish military is currently supporting Hungary’s armed forces, some people still hold onto animosity toward Turks. It’s not difficult to understand, especially given the historical context.

Ohh one more thing.

Just a few years ago, they released a Kentucky Gun Range video claiming it was Turkey's attack. WTF, according to these sources, the Turkish army has a bunch of Rambos or so?

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??? Hunyadi died in 1456. He fell during the siege of Nándorfehérvár.
At the beginning of the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire dismantled Hungary's southern line of defence, which had been formed by the bánság (bánság). After the Battle of Mohács (1526), Ottoman-Turkish policy for a time treated Hungary, divided by civil war, as an annexation rather than an occupied territory, but in 1541 Suleiman II saw the time as ripe for open conquest and, by capturing Buda, made the centre of the country virtually part of the empire. The Turks established the Buda vilajet (governorate) and in the following years (1543-44) consolidated their power by seizing a number of key castles (Esztergom, Székesfehérvár, Visegrád, Nógrád). In 1552, they conquered Veszprém, Szolnok and Timisoara; the Vilajet of Timisoara was established. In 1566 they conquered Szigetvár and Gyula
The Fifteen Years' War (1593-1606) proved that Ottoman power was no longer capable of a major advance. Although Eger (1596) and Kanizsa (1600) were conquered and organised into a vilayet, for the first time in the history of the conquest the Turks also lost territory. In 1658, the conquest was extended at the expense of the Principality of Transylvania (Lugos, Karansebes). The war of 1660-64 brought another Turkish advance (Oradea in 1660, Oradea in 1663; both became vilajets), but by then European warfare had taken precedence. In 1683, the Ottoman Empire, overestimating its own strength, launched another offensive campaign, but this led to the defeat in Vienna and the Christian liberation of Hungary. The Peace of Karlovy Vary (1699) allowed the Turks to hold on to the Timis region for a while longer (until 1718).

Hungarian Turkic common origin... It's true that genetic research from the time of the conquest shows that the Hungarian population had both Finno-Ugric and Asian roots.
A detailed study was published in 2016.

??? Hunyadi died in 1456. He fell during the siege of Nándorfehérvár.
At the beginning of the 16th century, the Ottoman Empire dismantled Hungary's southern line of defence, which had been formed by the bánság (bánság). After the Battle of Mohács (1526), Ottoman-Turkish policy for a time treated Hungary, divided by civil war, as an annexation rather than an occupied territory, but in 1541 Suleiman II saw the time as ripe for open conquest and, by capturing Buda, made the centre of the country virtually part of the empire. The Turks established the Buda vilajet (governorate) and in the following years (1543-44) consolidated their power by seizing a number of key castles (Esztergom, Székesfehérvár, Visegrád, Nógrád). In 1552, they conquered Veszprém, Szolnok and Timisoara; the Vilajet of Timisoara was established. In 1566 they conquered Szigetvár and Gyula
The Fifteen Years' War (1593-1606) proved that Ottoman power was no longer capable of a major advance. Although Eger (1596) and Kanizsa (1600) were conquered and organised into a vilayet, for the first time in the history of the conquest the Turks also lost territory. In 1658, the conquest was extended at the expense of the Principality of Transylvania (Lugos, Karansebes). The war of 1660-64 brought another Turkish advance (Oradea in 1660, Oradea in 1663; both became vilajets), but by then European warfare had taken precedence. In 1683, the Ottoman Empire, overestimating its own strength, launched another offensive campaign, but this led to the defeat in Vienna and the Christian liberation of Hungary. The Peace of Karlovy Vary (1699) allowed the Turks to hold on to the Timis region for a while longer (until 1718).

Hungarian Turkic common origin... It's true that genetic research from the time of the conquest shows that the Hungarian population had both Finno-Ugric and Asian roots.
A detailed study was published in 2016.

View attachment 508405

Im talking about Battle of Varna

Before the Battle of Varna in 1444, the Ottoman Empire, under Sultan Murad II, had signed a ten-year truce with Hungary. This agreement followed a period of military setbacks for the Ottomans in the Balkans, particularly during John Hunyadi's successful campaigns in 1442–1443. However, the truce was broken when Hungary, supported by Pope Eugene IV, Venice, and others, organized a new crusade under King Władysław III of Poland. This led to the confrontation at Varna, where the Ottomans, led by Murad II, decisively defeated the Christian forces..

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This has nothing to do with Hamas and Israel, we are discussing this topic here

Guys this thread is about the Hamas-Hezzie-Israeli conflict, please make posts regarding the Syrian, Iraqi or Iranian in those particular threads unless they directly relate to this thread.

Thank you lads, onwards and upwards! (Y)

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