Politics Court frees Bill Cosby

colin traveller

Mi Field Marshall
MI.Net Member
Mar 8, 2018
You couldn't make it up .......
As for the headline, which is pretty much pointless if standing by itself …
[…] However Pennsylvania's highest court found that an agreement with a previous prosecutor prevented the former actor and comedian from being charged in the case. In their decision, the judges also found that testimony from accusers unrelated to the case had tainted the trial.
Deals are a festering boil on Lady Justice's arse.
I think I heard he isn't doing very well, health-wise. Blind and old, and perhaps diabetes? I'm doing this from memory.
Early releases for health reasons are a travesty, at least when it comes to violent criminals or sex offenders.
As for the headline, which is pretty much pointless if standing by itself …
Deals are a festering boil on Lady Justice's arse.

The previous Prosecutor had decided that it would be a very difficult case to prosecute due to the amount of time passed. Crosby could have pled the fifth. Instead he agreed to drop the case so that Crosby could not plead against self incrimination in the civil case against him which had a much greater chance of success. The later prosecutor then used Crosby's own statements in the civil case to convict him.

Under those circumstances it is no wonder that the Penn. State Supreme Court found against the guilty verdict.

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