Photos Conflicts In Lebanon

An Israeli radioman from Sayeret Golani firing his Uzi in 'Fatahland', January 1970
Israeli M113 Armoured Personnel Carriers moving through the city of Sidon in Lebanon, April 1983
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" 22d MAU Marines of a BLT 2/6 patrol, rifles at the ready and rounds chambered, take cover behind construction equipment on the coastal road south of Beirut after having been attacked on 16 March 1983. The white-helmeted soldier and the one with dark glasses are soldiers belonging to the French contingent, United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) . They happened to be passing by at the time of the incident."

The helmet in all probability is painted a light blue, indistinguishable from white in a B&W picture.

UNIFIL had no troops per se in based in Beirut, there was as far as I recall an office at the Docks and a small Accommodation block for visiting UNIFIL troops, in general UN troops were advised not to take leave passes R&R in Beirut, it was too volatile.

A good read with regards the series of pictures is here - Marines In Lebanon 1982-1984 PCN 19000309800.pdf
A fighter dashes across the street for cover during clashes in Beirut, Lebanon. 1978.
IDF Caterpillar D9 armoured bulldozers clearing wreckage of a Merkava III main battle tank, of the Israel Defense Forces, it’s ammunition detonated and the crew were killed, southern Lebanon, Lebanon-Israeli War of July 12th - August 14th, 2006
An M60 monitors a US Marine Corps encampment on the outskirts of Beirut, April 1st, 1983.
A French paratrooper on a mine-clearance mission has found a grenade in a glass with its pin pulled out. Lebanon War, Beirut, Lebanon 1982
US Marine machine gun team belonging to the 2nd Division man a 30 cal. M1919A4 from a rooftop position overlooking downtown Beirut during the US intervention in the Lebanon Crisis (Operation Blue Bat); near the Beirut docking area, July 28th 1958
Christian Militiaman with a Sig 543. Civil War 1975-1990
Green berets security forces attend to injuries in the hotel district of Beirut, December 15, 1975.
French troops patrol Damascus Street in the 1980s.
IDF soldiers from 933rd "Nahal" Brigade in Beirut, 1982
US Marines at Marine Base, Beirut airport, 1983

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