Photos Algerian People's National Armed Forces

Exclusive: Algeria conducts successful trials of Chinese VT-4 Main Battle Tank.

During its 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, Inner Mongolia First Machinery Group, also known as FIRMACO, reported that its VT-4 main battle tank underwent test assessments in Algeria. According to the company, the VT-4 tank completed a series of exercises, achieving a 100% hit rate in artillery tests and covering 500 kilometers in continuous driving and firing under various conditions. This performance was noted positively by the Algerian side, and the quality breakthrough team was recognized by the Ordnance Industry Group, which shared their experience across the organization.

The Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has published its annual report on arms exports, and the list includes the names of countries that received Italian weapons and military equipment during the year 2023. Algeria and Saudi Arabia are among the Arab countries that received defense equipment from Rome...

The arms exports that Rome exported to Algeria, according to the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs report, included the following:

- Weapons and automatic weapons of a caliber equal to or les than 12.7 mm .
- Weapons or weapon systems with a caliber greater than 12.7mm .
- Ammunition .
- Bombs - torpedoes - rockets - missiles and accessories .
- Warships .
- Aircraft .
- Fire direction equipment .
- Electronic equipment .


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