Photos Soviet-Afghan War 1979-1989

Soviet - Afghan War. 24 December 1979 – 15 February 1989. A Russian Spetsnaz 'operator' poses for the camera.

Regards, I am new in forum and in this thread.
I have been compiling photos about the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan for a while, and I am learning a lot from this thread.
This particular photo appears in Wikipedia and, according to the epigraph in Russian (I used the translator), it shows personnel of 56th Air Assault Brigade questioning a prisoner in Vardak Province, June 1987. Credits for E. Kuvakin.
Had other communist countries flight with Soviet in Afghan?
Had other communist countries flight with Soviet in Afghan?
No.Aside from some minor military assistance(gdr trained afghan pilots and technical crew,for example)and weapon and other goods supply, soviets never used their allies direct "in a field".

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