Photos Colour and Colourised Photos of WW2 & earlier conflicts

Red Army amphibious tanks (probably T-38) crossing the water barrier, June 1941


Color by Olga Shirnina (Klimbim)
M8 Greyhound Armoured Car surrendering some captured German soldiers to the assembly point (M3A1 Half-Track) of 4th Cavalry Group USA.

Man of the left side carrying Springfield M1903A3 rifle.
USS Astoria (CA-34), underway for Pearl-Harbor, December 1941 (Measure 11). Photographed from the cruiser USS Portland (CA-33).


USS Astoria (CA-34), a New Orleans-class heavy cruiser. The cruiser took part in both the Battles of the Coral Sea and the Battle of Midway. The New Orleans-class cruisers were a class of seven heavy cruisers built for the United States Navy (USN) in the 1930s.
These ships participated in the heaviest surface battles of the Pacific War. Astoria, Quincy, and Vincennes were all sunk in the Battle of Savo Island (august 1942), and three others were heavily damaged in subsequent battles in the Guadalcanal campaign. Only Tuscaloosa, which spent most of the war in the Atlantic, got through the war without being damaged. Collectively, ships of the class earned 64 battle stars.
On March 6, 1943, a new cruiser (CL-90) was launched, which was named after the USS "Astoria"
A sergeant major watching German movements through field glasses from the parapet,Eaucourt l'Abbaye,November 1916. (IWM caption)


Eaucourt was a group of farm buildings in an enclosure built on the site of an Augustinian abbey,on a side road from Le Sars off the main Albert–Bapaume highway.Destremont Farm to the south west of Le Sars and a derelict quarry south of Eaucourt had been fortified by the Germans.
Military operations began in the area in September 1914 during the Race to the Sea,when the divisions of the II Bavarian Corps advanced westwards on the north bank of the Somme,towards Albert and Amiens.Eaucourt l'Abbaye became a backwater until 1916,when the British and French began the Battle of the Somme (1 July – 13 November).
During the Battle of Flers Courcelette (15–22 September),divisions of the British III Corps in the Fourth Army advanced close to Eaucourt and operations to capture it began on 1 October.A regiment of the 6th Bavarian Reserve Division in Eaucourt was overrun by a brigade of the 47th Division on 1 October,during the Battle of Le Transloy (1 October – 5 November)
Operations continued until 3 October.After Eaucourt was captured,British attacks continued in the area,to take the Butte de Warlencourt,which was captured several times and lost to German counter attacks,during the rest of the Battle of Le Transloy.In the winter of 1916–1917,which was the worst for fifty years,the area was considered by the troops of the I Anzac Corps to be the foulest sector of the Somme front.
Eaucourt was lost on 24 March 1918 during the retreat of the 2nd Division and recaptured for the last time on 26 August,by the 21st Division. (Wikipedia)
Photographer: Lieutenant Brooke John Warwick
Photo source: IWM (Q 4391)
Soviet SU-152 Heavy Self Propelled Guns production line,at Chelyabinsk Kirovsk Plant,1943.


At the end of the battle of Stalingrad it was realized that,unlike the Germans,the Russian infantry lacked some mobile heavy artillery support.This need became more urgent after Kursk,when the Soviet Army was preparing for a series of massive counter offensives.The effort to design such a vehicle had been started by the State Defense Committee in November 1942.By December 1942,various engineering teams presented their plans.The project of Joseph Yakovlevich Kotin was chosen due to its simplicity and cost.His design successfully combined the ML-20 152mm gun and KV-1s chassis with minimal expense.The construction of the prototype started on 31 December 1942 and was completed for trials at the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant on 24 January 1943.On 14 February 1943 the State Defense Committee accepted it for service and immediately launched it into mass production at the Chelyabinsk Kirov Plant.The delivery numbers differ,ranging from 670 to 704.The SU-152 was also used on the role of tank hunter.Whilst not designed for this role,it inherited the name “Zveroboy” (Beast killer),because it could knock out the Panther,Tiger and King Tiger tanks,as well as the Jagdtiger and Ferdinand/Elefant.The SU-152s that survived WW2 were withdrawn from Soviet Army service in 1954.
Photo source unknown.
Greek soldiers firing a Canon de 85 modele 1927 Schneider (85mm field gun),during the Battle of Pogradec, November-December 1940.


The Battle of Pogradec was fought between the Greek and Italian armies and commenced when Greek units of the 3rd Army Corps attacked Italian positions on 27 November.On Hill 1244 the Italians forced to abandon the extreme left of the line forming a new line on 30 November.On 3 December,the Greek army launched another attack against the Italian Arezzo division and broke their lines,forcing the Italians to retreat north to avoid encirclement and total defeat.This led to the victory of the Greek Army and the capture of most of Northern Epirus by Greece.
Photo sousce unknown.
Messerschmitt Bf 110E Zerstorer 2.(H)14,(5F+PK),in North Africa,1941-1942.(The ground support vehicle is a Sd.Kfz.11 half track.)


The Bf 110 served with considerable success but its primary weakness was the lack of agility in the air,although this could be mitigated with the correct tactics.In the North African Campaign,acted as a support aircraft for the Junkers Ju 87 Stuka units and it rendered valuable ground support to the German Army as a potent fighter bomber.In 1941 nearly 20% of the missions were ground attack orientated.A number of Bf 110 aces were lost in aerial combat during this period.
Photo source unknown.
German soldier at the battle of Stalingrad,awarded the Infantry Assault Badge in silver, November 1942.


The decoration of Infantry Assault Badge (silver & bronze class) was instituted on 20 December 1939 by the Commander in Chief of the German Army.It could be awarded to members of non motorized infantry units and units of the Gebirgsjager (light infantry part of the alpine or mountain troops) that had participated in infantry assaults,with light Infantry weapons,on at least three days of battle in the front line,when a counter offensive led to fighting,it could also apply.Award of the Infantry Assault Badge was authorized at regimental command level.
The silver class was awarded to infantry soldiers according to one of the following criteria:
To have taken part in at least three infantry assaults (including counter attacks), or at least three armed reconnaissance operations, or engaged in hand to hand combat in an assault position, or participated on three separate days in the reestablishment of combat positions.
Photo source unknown.
A company of IS-2 heavy tanks moves in East Prussia, during The First East Prussian Offensive, also known as Gumbinnen operation, November 1944.


The First East Prussian Offensive, was a Soviet offensive on the Eastern Front,started October 1944, in which forces of the 3rd Belorussian Front attempted to penetrate the borders of East Prussia. The territory there, intersected by many rivers, woods and waterways, made the fighting extremely difficult.The harsh and marshy terrain was not friendly to heavy tanks,which had to deal with a well prepared,deep defensive perimeter.
East Prussia was the first area of German soil captured by the Red Amy. Intence fighting continued all along the Baltic in November and December 1944, while the Soviet units in Poland were re-equipping for the final offensive against Berlin, planned for January 1945.
Photo source unknown.
American troops on French built Renault FT-17 tanks,head for the front line in the Forest of Argonne,France,26 September 1918.


The Renault FT 17 was widely used by French forces in 1918 and by the American Expeditionary Force on the Western Front in the later stages of World War I.
When the U.S. entered the war in April 1917,its army had no tanks at all.Because of the wartime demands on French industry,it was decided that the quickest way to supply the American forces with sufficient armour was to manufacture the FT in the U.S.A requirement of 4,400 FTs was decided on,with delivery expected to begin in April, 1918. By June 1918,U.S. manufacturers had failed to produce any,and delivery dates were put back until September.France therefore agreed to lend 144 FTs,enough to equipe two battalions.
Phototsource: National Archives (NARA)

British troops take a break from fighting on the front line as they fight each other next to a Sherman tank on August 1, 1943. The Allied invasion of Sicily, codenamed Operation Husky, was a major campaign of World War II, in which the Allies took the island of Sicily from the Axis powers, Italy and Nazi Germany. It began with a large amphibious and airborne operation, followed by a six-week land campaign, and initiated the Italian Campaign

On hand to greet their master when he returned from the front lines on Okinawa, Japan, were these puppies, Nansi, Shoto, Sake, Zero, Banzai, and Okinawa. Marine tankman Private Bruce Rutherford, of Bristol, Tennessee is pictured cleaning his gun as the animals play on the rock he is sitting on
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On hand to greet their master when he returned from the front lines on Okinawa, Japan, were these puppies, Nansi, Shoto, Sake, Zero, Banzai, and Okinawa. Marine tankman Private Bruce Rutherford, of Bristol, Tennessee is pictured cleaning his gun as the animals play on the rock he is sitting on
In fact he is sitting on a tank turret not a rock.
In fact he is sitting on a tank turret not a rock.

It looks like the tank is behind the rocks, I am not sure what he seats on but the dogs are most definitely stand on the rock.
In any case that is what the caption reads.

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