Photos Vietnam Military Forces

a Vietnamese coast guard ship inside Vietnam eez near Indonesia eez monitor the Chinese coast guard in early this year when china coast guard enter Indonesia eez and have a confronting there which lead the Indonesian deploy fighter jet and navy to scare off the Chinese ( big mistake , it just give the Chinese more reason to deploy more weapon to the SCS and used they navy/ airforce in next confronting , there is reason Vietnam/japan only used white hull ship to confronting Chinese white hull fleet ) photo taken by a Indonesian MPA cn235
cz750 used by CSCD source vtv3 and ANTD

cz 750 in a hostage situation last year a drug boss taken a hostage , in the end he surrender after the police talk him out :)
VFRS (Vietnam Fisheries Resources Surveillance ) ship somewhere in south china sea early this year or last year during a confronting with china
include KN2000 (2500t) KN750(770t) source viet defense
today is Tet Trung Thu ( or dem hoi trang ram aka full moon night ) or in English mid autumn festival , btw if you guy gona try moon cake try the green tea filler , the tradition filler is not that bad but you wont finish it btw cut it into small piece then eat it while drink tea ( Asian tea , not tea milk or indian tea ) btw also a great time to visit Vietnam , you will see lion dance on the street , lion dance and in ha noi in temple of literature they also decorate with lantern and music show for kid , ... a lot of activity

lion dance in a military base for children of the officer and soldier source qdnd
children of the base get gift ( back in the day school / office / company will gift kid moon cake , but now day everyone get a lot of moon cake so instead of moon cake many now gift small amount of money for children so they can buy lantern or moon cake or toy or book whatever they like )



border guard in a exercise

ram 2000 in a anti terrorist drill in hcm city ( ram 2000 used mostly by Canh Sat Co Dong aka mobile police ( they kinda are mix of western swat and armed police of china ( the diffirent our CSCD doesn't have 25mm apc , they only have apc with 50 cal and stop using camo uniform like the military since 2000s aka transform more to civilian , cause pre 2000 this guy have to deal with armed insurgence fluro in central highland fund by CIA up to 2000 ( guess what hapend in 2000 Cia stop funding them Fluro return to be farmer when there no more $$, while they leader flee west ) and ex south Vietnam regime hardcore supporter who set up base in Thailand for training and sending people back to creat chaos most arrest the moment they set foot on land ( they used thai fishing boat to smuggling In) ironic some of the hardline south Vietnam regime in America are now being hardline pro Vietnam :) after returning and seeing the country changing day by day.
academy on the sea , sail training ship VPNS Lê Quý Đôn( name after Lê Quý Đôn (; 1726–1784) was an 18th-century Vietnamese poet, encyclopedist, and government official,He is considered one of the most outstanding and prolific Vietnamese savants of the early modern period ,now day in Vietnam you can see street name after him in every city and a lot of school (btw all Vietnamese name can be written in tradition Chinese cause back in the day we used tradition Chinese writing and Nom pretty much like japan/korea/Taiwan , Nom are like kanji still used tradition Chinese but with new native creat words ) built in Poland in 2015 carry 30 crew and 80 cadet . photo source HQVN








And here a statute of Lê Quý Đôn in a school in hcm city that name after him ( every school that name after some one will have a statute of them in the center of school )
engineer training for UN mission , they will soon be send to south sudan , seem like Vietnam follow japan style of UN only engineer and medical and will not send guard troop source QDND

drill base being attacked by rioter
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mine clearing training
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well drilling and beside is a water cleaning machine

general and officer visit the training and talking with Japanese engineer trainer for UN mission
Photo from early this year confronting between a Vietnam VFSR ( a KN750 class ) and a Chinese survey ship in Vietnam eez taken by a American navy ship who also at the site along with a Chinese warship




I heard the US gona retire the LCS soon will be cool if we can buy few of them for dirt cheap price :)
F5 in Vietnam service , they were still in active service to mid to late 80s befor lack of spare part send them in to storage and later crap or museum or sold to 3rd country , F5 along with A1,A37 was used extensive to do CAS support for our troop in Cambodia fight the Khmer rouge , maybe in a decade we will see the airforce using a mix bag of Russian/American plane again like the 70s-80s :) source PKKQ



CSCD S5 apc vehicle ( south Korean apc )


a pretty ironic photo :) a south Korean made S5 APC used to protect north Korean leader Kim Jong Un convoy during ha noi summit between the American-north Korean ( pay back for the NOKOR sending special force to help the Chinese invade us in 1979 haha )
Any pics from the Cambodian occupation back during the '80s?
Any pics from the Cambodian occupation back during the '80s?
do you call your time in afghanistan occupation ? btw sorry for late replied , I was sick this few day

mil24a in a support mission for the INF defend the border zone in 1977 , Khmer rouge during Vietnam war have been start attacking our troop in Cambodia after they taking over Cambodia in 1975 they first start to kill million of they own people ( mostly city and educate and also people wear glass yup you heard me right you wear glass = kill ) they also start to kill entire Vietnamese-Cambodian population , 1/3 or 2/3 of Laotian Cambodian ( many mange to flee back to lao , the Laotian mostly live near the border so when Khmer rouge start killing off ethnic minority and they own people a lot manage to flee, while Vietnamese mostly live in capital and big city and were first to be target ) , 1/3 of Chinese cambodian ( much less then other ethnic minority ) cause they are support by china and those 1/3 are PRO KMT (Taiwan) anti PRC govt Chinese ) they also kill thai Cambodian , after set up killing field they start to harras the Vietnam-Cambodia border from 1976-1978-9 which more Chinese support they start to intensify they harras campaign in 1978-79 ( shelling , raiding ) the breaking point was ba chuc village mass killing where a company of Khmer rouge manage to infiltrate and kill entire village after looting , raping ( only few manage to flee and hide ) they rape from kid to elder and after the victim was rape they will stick a bamboo pole to the P hole killing the victim slowly and painfully bleeding , while man and kid are beat to dead if they are not woman , tho chu island is also another case where they hit the limit where they manage to capture entire island and kill entire population on the island (500 house hold only 1 family survive cause they return to mainland few month befor ) ( the island now are repopulate and are fortify so there wont be second incident like it happened if Cambodia have another maniac like polpot ) btw can I post graphic image @BravoZulu ? cause ba chuc picture are pretty bad it made ISIS look like a Lite version of Khmer rouge .
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do you call your time in afghanistan occupation ? btw sorry for late replied , I was sick this few day
View attachment 253797
mil24a in a support mission for the INF defend the border zone in 1977 , Khmer rouge during Vietnam war have been start attacking our troop in Cambodia after they taking over Cambodia in 1975 they first start to kill million of they own people ( mostly city and educate and also people wear glass yup you heard me right you wear glass = kill ) they also start to kill entire Vietnamese-Cambodian population , 1/3 or 2/3 of Laotian Cambodian ( many mange to flee back to lao , the Laotian mostly live near the border so when Khmer rouge start killing off ethnic minority and they own people a lot manage to flee, while Vietnamese mostly live in capital and big city and were first to be target ) , 1/3 of Chinese cambodian ( much less then other ethnic minority ) cause they are support by china and those 1/3 are PRO KMT (Taiwan) anti PRC govt Chinese ) they also kill thai Cambodian , after set up killing field they start to harras the Vietnam-Cambodia border from 1976-1978-9 which more Chinese support they start to intensify they harras campaign in 1978-79 ( shelling , raiding ) the breaking point was ba chuc village mass killing where a company of Khmer rouge manage to infiltrate and kill entire village after looting , raping ( only few manage to flee and hide ) they rape from kid to elder and after the victim was rape they will stick a bamboo pole to the P hole killing the victim slowly and painfully bleeding , while man and kid are beat to dead if they are not woman , tho chu island is also another case where they hit the limit where they manage to capture entire island and kill entire population on the island (500 house hold only 1 family survive cause they return to mainland few month befor ) ( the island now are repopulate and are fortify so there wont be second incident like it happened if Cambodia have another maniac like polpot ) btw can I post graphic image @BravoZulu ? cause ba chuc picture are pretty bad it made ISIS look like a Lite version of Khmer rouge .
Before you post any graphic images please send PM to Bombardier, we don't usually allow graphic images though

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