Photos Vietnam Military Forces

A Viet Minh unit get ready at ha noi station befor getting on train heading to the south 1945 they weapon is mix bag of old French weapon taken from French puppet troop and French armory , Japanese weapon , American supply weapon ( Vietminh was train by OSS and supply by OSS , Ho chi minh was save by a OSS officer , we were allied , too bad American govt backstab us and support the French recolony us instead of support us , leading to a bloody war that cause be avoid ) weapon buy from the KMT and in china black market , the soviet didn't supply us any weapon until 1952-3 stalin didn't trust ho chi minh and viet minh he deem we are more nationalist then real communist
anyone know what arty is this ? used by viet minh in battle of dong khe

is it French ? or Japanese ? doesn't seem like American arty piece
SCT7 ( Vietnam rpg7 , we been making rpg7 launcher and rocket since Vietnam war ) with day and nigh sight call KNND-SCT7 a domestic self develop sight source qpvn
It's a French Canon de 105 court mle 1935 B, the inwards facing tyres are the giveaway for me (Y)

thanks mate didn't know what arty it is , look weird so I guess much be either French or japan , most of the Vietminh arty early in the war are either French or Japanese arty and some 75mm howitzer from America ( not sure if supply by oss or buy from KMT corrupt troop ) and later capture from the French them self American 75mm and 105mm arty
VPNS Ly Thai To in a training exercise with old tarantula ( I think pretty soon those tarantula will be equip with kh35 or domestic VCM-01 missile replace the old SSN-2 ) source HQNDVN
M79VN or SPL40 after the Vietnam war we capture tons of m79 and the troop love it so during the 80s Vietnam have been made m79 gun and it amunition , it sucessor are SPL06 which is a licens or unlicens copy of south African gernade launcher source kien thuc



troop live firing with m79

M79VN with red dot sight and SPL 06 source kien thuc

SPL06 or SPL40L

at indo defense show you can see a prototype for export which call SPL40L

seem like unit start getting the gun



VDN150 landing craft / supply ship deliver for army region 9 the ship belong to logistic and transport not navy ( this ship will work in Mekong delta on cuu long(Mekong river ) river and canal replacing the old American landing craft that still in service ) source qdnd
untitled-15 (3).jpg
cold weapon ( aka mean sword ,knife, stick , club , ... while gun are call hot weapon ) and hand to hand combat training source qdnd internet user in Vietnam used to joke why are we still training our soldier using cold weapon ( sword , stick , spear , ... ) few year ago mocking this cold weapon wont be used , which recent china india border fight show this type of training aint useless , if you read about Vietnam-sino war in 1979 you will see similar thing happened like with india in recent clash , the Chinese will provoke along the border using cold weapon and hand to hand fight , rock throwing too ( the diffirent is they used troop in civilian cloth to provoke , china indian border don't have civilian ) first Vietnamese soldier to die was a border guard officer beat by the Chinese while coming over to talk with the Chinese side ( talk about the issue to defuse the tension and ask the Chinese to back off ) if you watch the recent indian china clash ( the first clash where there 20 indian death ) you will see there are few indian officer dead , I bet they went infront to talk with they counter part Chinese officer and the talk broke down and the Chinese gang up on the officer while the rest charge the unprepared indian leading to huge lost on indian side , not the first time they attack surprise unprepared troop . the diffirentis indian have nuke and they more then willing to open fire on the Chinese which they did in the 3 clash where the Chinese using cold weapon ( spear)trying to charge a hill position that the indian control thinking there will be another cold weapon fight , the indian this time open warning fire and the Chinese back off , if both side cant defuse pretty much there will be a border war which will be interest to watch how china army will performance, if indian didnt have nuke I bet the Chinese will be more aggressive , nuke is the only thing holding the Chinese back from starting a fast border war like they did vs Vietnam in 1979 .

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Viettel VRS-2DM low-altitude radar system.This radar was developed by the Viettel Military Industry & Telecoms Group as a modernized version of the old Soviet P-19 radar. been in service for quite few year and have been export to lao back in 2017 source viet defense , airdefense-airforce tv , qdnd



more photo of viettel VRS-2DM low-altitude radar system taken from thai nguyen military exhibition source dan tri new paper



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