Photos Vietnam Military Forces

Marines with the new TAR-21 bullpup rifle, that will replaced the AKM and AK-47 for the marines and special forces

Marines with a TAR-21 equipped with a T-40 Grenade launcher


WKW Wilk .50 BMG anti-materiel rifle
is it a version of the Galil made in Vietnam?
yes it a sniper version of galil ace chamber in 7,62x51 nato round but not built in Vietnam , Vietnam can made spare part but not fully SR99 gun at for now same for Negev lmg ( but some say we manage to made copy version of Negev ( rumor) ( not sure in the future ) Vietnam only have licens for galil rifle and made unlicens uzi that we name uri haha so not to get copy right :)
Marines with the new TAR-21 bullpup rifle, that will replaced the AKM and AK-47 for the marines and special forces

Marines with a TAR-21 equipped with a T-40 Grenade launcher


WKW Wilk .50 BMG anti-materiel rifle
well the special force ( sapper/commando vv ) used wide range of gun , domestic akm , galil , stv , uzi,bizon ,m18,tarvor , fn2000 , hk416,CZ805,6,Scorpion vv whatever gun we have in the inventory they can used if they need , the marine are depend on brigade some will used tarvor , some will used galil ace ,stv318
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Caption for this picture says "Vietnamese sappers with akm using their comrade to walk on barb wire".
No date no place.
sappers was how the American call Vietnam special force during Vietnam war , they are special force , dac cong = dac ( dac is shorter of dac biet aka special) cong ( either shotern for cong tac aka task /work or meaning tan cong aka attack )
A monk sending his adapt son (in Vietnam orphan either send to orphan house run by govt or NGO but also some are send to temple and raise by the monk ) off to the military ( btw Vietnam Buddhist is mostly Mahayana aka east asia style Buddhist , there are also some Tibet style Buddhist sect too and in the south where there a Khmer ethnic minority there are Theravada ( indian / southeast Asian style Buddhist ) aka we have all type of Buddhist :) but majority are still Mahayana fun interest fact about Vietnam cultural ) in the picture the monk belong to Mahayana Buddhist ( btw if you wanted to know about Vietnam religion , majority are ancestor wordship mix with Buddhist , Taoism , Confucius kinda like the Japanese were they are mainly Shinto mix with Buddhist ) biggest religion are Buddhist ( around 8% who are truly devote Buddhist , most Vietnam still go to temple and pray in Buddhist temple but they are not truly Buddhist ) then catholic/Christian ( 6%) cao dai , hoa hao ( Vietnamese religion ) around 2-1,5 % then muslim ( cham ethnic minority ) and hindu ( also cham ethnic minority )
mi 171 engine check befor flight source tien phong btw Vietnam also main repair hub for all Mi helicopter in southeast asia ( also can repair MI engine , overhaul , major repair )

pilot and crew talk befor flight
mi171e take off source tien phong

landing on Landing craft the navy are now start to get new landing craft but still small compare to this American lst plus the lst engine room and hull been overhaul few years ago ( entire new engine from the look ) seem like they gona be in service for the next 10 year befor being retire , in those 10 year the navy hope the ship design bureau will able to creat large landing craft ( now they have been able to design small landing craft and the ship builder are getting experience from working with damen and domestic small ship design )which I think is much better then buy a foreign landing ship

domestic anti drone guns source qpvn , this year lunar new year firework a lot of fly cam operator lost they drone dual to this gun :) they been warn not to fly didn't belive we can take them down :) rip those expensive DJI drone a lot of anger and cry on drone group :)(btw seeing how now china and some military in the world used fly drone to carry supply ( food , water , ammunition to troop seem like the investment in this gun is not wasted ) during sino Vietnam war , troop have to carry food/water and ammunition on they back to the hill/mountain , now day for sure those will be carry by drone like how china used drone to carry food/water to they troop in Tibet in a recent exercise



photo show a ho chi minh city militia with anti drone gun hunting for fly cam during lunar new year :)
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new recruit being send off source son tung
singing anthem at the flag raising


family take photo and cheering recruit who get a Certificate of merit for volunteer for military service

recruit heading to bus being lead by a girl carry the national flag thru the gate which will send them to they assign division , the letter in the gate meaning : glory gate , 2 side of the gate are local govt official , military officer , militia,family and friend cheering them off , behind you can see a statute of emperor Quang Trung ( born name was nguyen hue )and his temple ( btw fun fact Quang Trung was the guy united Vietnam after vietnam been in a civil war of Trinh and Nguyen lord ( they still kep the Le emperor at ceremony emperor kinda like japan shogun period where lord fight but the emperor are still keep for ceremony role )that last over 100 year by defeat both lord and later defeat a thai invasion in the south and defeat a qing invasion in the north .

a young sibling hug his big brother

a recruit talking and taking photo with his family befor getting on the bus

a mom cry

family and friend take a good look at the recruit befor they heading to they assign division meanwhile in the back ground family and friend take photo + video
a exercise source QPVN
50 cal being set up

troop crossing a small creek

a troop waiting for the order to move foward

field command

hq command


a soldier with a Vietnam made of type56 II that been bought licens in the 90s Vietnam military like the type 56 more then ak cause they have chrome line barrel ( heck all Asian military like chrome line barrel in away last longer in heavy salt , wet envioment the Japanese chrome line they arisaka for a reason ) behind maybe a domestic made rpk or a domestic TUL-1 ( stock of rpk , body of a type56 and sight of rpd , slower fire rate then rpk and abit heavier but have better fire rate / range then ak, was built cause the Russian wont transfer rpk and licens , being built from 1970-1974 after that we get rpk and licens from the Russian ,not much people know about it :) )
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target hill being attack by bm21 , arty , mortar and spg9,gernade launcher , rpg7 , 50 cal and tank firing


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submarine rescue and SAR ship being launch 4/12/2019 ( pretty fast ship building for a 4000t right :) cause z189 have been built and deliver 2 smaller ship with similar design for Australian navy ) the ship is name Yet Kieu (1242-1301)after a famous commander of a force similar to seal now day back in the Tran dynasty , he growth up in the river ( mother die young , father sick , so most of his time he dive to catch cat fish,fish , snail , crab , vv in the river ) later a servant of Tran Hung Dao the general that defeat the Mongol , during the war vs mongol he will lead a force of good swimmer/diver that can hold breath for pretty long time ( also they used ballon made from animal that hold air) at night they will swim to mongol supply ship that anchor and used a snail and hammer to made a hole under the ship hull , once time he was catch by the mongol but manage to flee by tricking them )source : z189

ship being rolling out

ready for the launching ceremony

military and naval admiral and civilian rep launching the ship

ship launch
ship being fitting early this year

the Australian navy ship that z189 also made


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