Promo video for Defender of the Motherland Day (Ukraine also has a Memorial Day holiday on the calendar as well).

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Unfortunately, the exact thing I've brought up in Ukrainian War Stories thread happened today.

Yaroslava Nikonenko forever 36 years old was killed by a Russian sniper on October 15th, 2019. Although, the info on her military profession wasn't release to the media yet she served in Special Forces unit, 101st Independent General Staff Protection brigade. She lives behind a 13 year old daughter. To compound a tragedy, her father, Serhiy Nikonenko was killed on January 18th, 2015.



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Unfortunately, the exact thing I've brought up in Ukrainian War Stories thread happened today.

Yaroslava Nikonenko forever 36 years old was killed by a Russian sniper on October 15th, 2019. Although, the info on her military profession wasn't release to the media yet she served in Special Forces unit, 101st Independent General Staff Protection brigade. She lives behind a 13 year old daughter. To compound a tragedy, her father, Serhiy Nikonenko was killed on January 18th, 2015.

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Yaroslava's funeral

Unfortunately, the exact thing I've brought up in Ukrainian War Stories thread happened today.

Yaroslava Nikonenko forever 36 years old was killed by a Russian sniper on October 15th, 2019. Although, the info on her military profession wasn't release to the media yet she served in Special Forces unit, 101st Independent General Staff Protection brigade. She lives behind a 13 year old daughter. To compound a tragedy, her father, Serhiy Nikonenko was killed on January 18th, 2015.

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View attachment 192340View attachment 192341

Yaroslava Nikonenko forever 36 years old was killed by a Russian sniper on October 15th, 2019. Although, the info on her military profession wasn't release to the media yet she served in Special Forces unit, 101st Independent General Staff Protection brigade. She lives behind a 13 year old daughter. To compound a tragedy, her father, Serhiy Nikonenko was killed on January 18th, 2015.

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View attachment 192268
View attachment 192340View attachment 192341
My Gosh she is just breathtaking!!! Just stunning, what a beauty and what a tragic waste of a good people...... I just hate seeing this!
My Gosh she is just breathtaking!!! Just stunning, what a beauty and what a tragic waste of a good people...... I just hate seeing this!

100% true.^^

Ernest Hemingway stated the following about war;

“Never think that war, no matter how necessary, nor how justified, is not a crime. Ask the infantry and ask the dead."
My Gosh she is just breathtaking!!! Just stunning, what a beauty and what a tragic waste of a good people...... I just hate seeing this!

Unfortunately, it gets worse. Her younger sister is also a front line combatant and serves in the unit that is still known for its reckless abandon in combat and high casualty count.
Unfortunately, it gets worse. Her younger sister is also a front line combatant and serves in the unit that is still known for its reckless abandon in combat and high casualty count.

Is anyone whacking these snipers on the other side of this or are they just "sniper" as in a random shot or two from the opposing trenches that hit people like her?? ??mil-smile06
Is anyone whacking these snipers on the other side of this or are they just "sniper" as in a random shot or two from the opposing trenches that hit people like her?? ??mil-smile06

This is an active shooting war. The "low" casualty count is explained that so far both sides refrain from the widespread use of large caliber artillery and mortar systems, and both sides are fairly well dug in. Snipers are shooting at targets of opportunity and, most likely passing exams in the process. In many locales trenches are within 300 - 500 meters of each other.
This is an active shooting war. The "low" casualty count is explained that so far both sides refrain from the widespread use of large caliber artillery and mortar systems, and both sides are fairly well dug in. Snipers are shooting at targets of opportunity and, most likely passing exams in the process. In many locales trenches are within 300 - 500 meters of each other.

Damn, folks need to keep their heads down then.......
Damn, folks need to keep their heads down then.......

Just today, I've read an interview with Yaroslava's sister. I think it should be translated into English and distributed among all of the Western feminists under the title "is this the equality that you are striving for?". Yaroslava was a de facto hard core feminist. She completed sniper training classes and sniper training school with honors. She fought for and received her combat assignment to one of the most dangerous sectors at the front. After playing cat and mouse game with a Russian sniper and fighting a sniper duel at a distance of 1km for a week she eventually lost. Clean shot to the head. Now 2 kids will grow up without a mother.
Recently I started working with another group of "kids", "Charlie" company of the 3rd Special Forces regiment. My first piece of gear that I built and sent to them made it into "Daily Mail", no not the EOTech GPNVG of course, but the souped GoPro Hero the opertive is wearing on his helmet is from me.

More pics here:

Foureyed Ukrainian Spetznaz soldiers attend games expo

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