Photos The "not so serious" of the serious thing!

Reporter: " look at that, what a great idea ! that way you blend in with your surroundings and enemy soldiers will have a hard time detecting you right ? ...... uhm Sir, did you hear me ?"
Soldier: "....Hm ? ..... soldiers ? .... uh no. We were on patrol and got attacked by some ugly otherworldy creature. I am the last survivor of my team. I covered myself in mud because it wouldn't see you that way, you know. Now it's dead. Yeah ...."

That happens to you by going through the brambles, do not put that face on me, in this note is evidence that you were wounded in maneuvers, nothing to ask for medals for this, huh?

You will see, this is where I go hunting, by this way you can reach the next town without problems
Are you sure?mil-smile07
Of course! I would accompany him, but I am not properly camouflaged ...Mil-smile01

It is good that you like to meditate before doing a polygon, but this is the last straw! mil-smile06Mil-smile01

Hi darling, I do not think I'll reach home early today, I'm in a big traffic congestion ...Mil-smile01

Did you close the driver's hatch tightly, or do you need snorkeling? mil-smile06
glub glub glub .... mil-smile04

good morning, welcome to "Total Desert", requires full service? mil-smile09
yes, please, you could clean the glasses of the hatch of the driver and check if the basket with the rations and the water is firm ... ah! Do not forget to check the air of the tires! Mil-smile01

let's see those teeth! Are they well washed? mil-smile03
I think it requires orthodontics, I see it half twisted ... Mil-smile01

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