Photos Afghan Armed Forces (Prior to 2021)

To keep it "within living memory": I think the people that lived died under Stalin would disagree.

The percentage of successfully evacuated people for Dunkirk was like what 90%? And that was with the dominant military force in Europe at the front door, not some ragtag militia, and with an ad-hoc evac plan partially using commandeered civilian boats.

"Greatest generation" vs "diverse special needs class"
I think it is not worthwhile to additionally raise issues related to Stalin in this discussion. If you want, we can speak in private messages
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I have to ask, have you ever been to Russia? i.e. outside the cities.... It's all fugazi...
But they are full of quotes, and fans (useful idiots, as Stalin called them)....

No, only to USSR northern ports of Murmansk and Arhangelsk and I wouldn't recommend to call locals idiots, they are much stronger people then you and not woke.
Random Afghans, who have been living in Poland for years, organised a demonstration to ask the Polish government to give out their families humanitarian visas and bring them to Poland. It seems that they confused Poland with the UK, but Polish people don't like the idea of turning Poland into Polandistan. The PM told them in a very diplomatic way to GTFO, saying that no more people will be brought to Poland (taking the ones who helped us was the right thing) and Polish planes will be used to transfer people to third-party countries at their authorities' request.
Erik Prince is not only smart, he is a stud. He is in Afghanistan now as we speak, trying to get Americans and allies out, when the administration won't.

Erik Prince is nothing more than a war profiteer. Charging $6.5k for every evacuee.
Random Afghans, who have been living in Poland for years, organised a demonstration to ask the Polish government to give out their families humanitarian visas and bring them to Poland. It seems that they confused Poland with the UK, but Polish people don't like the idea of turning Poland into Polandistan. The PM told them in a very diplomatic way to GTFO, saying that no more people will be brought to Poland (taking the ones who helped us was the right thing) and Polish planes will be used to transfer people to third-party countries at their authorities' request.

They should not have own troops to go to Afghanistan in the first place.
Random Afghans, who have been living in Poland for years, organised a demonstration to ask the Polish government to give out their families humanitarian visas and bring them to Poland. It seems that they confused Poland with the UK, but Polish people don't like the idea of turning Poland into Polandistan. The PM told them in a very diplomatic way to GTFO, saying that no more people will be brought to Poland (taking the ones who helped us was the right thing) and Polish planes will be used to transfer people to third-party countries at their authorities' request.

A bit heartless from the Polish, considering the fact that tens of thousands of them once ended up in Iran as refugees in the same manner of distress.
Afghan boy saluting US troops at Kabul Airport


With no money or no authority, 50 Americans who served in Afghanistan in military, intel and other roles formed up to get Afghan special forces out.

The Pineapple Express was orchestrated by Lois, the “engineer,” to move “passengers” to link up with “conductors,” paratroopers and Rangers wearing green chemlights who summoned each family one by one.

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Not an unreasonable price considering the circumstances and cost.

I don't care what is reasonable or not. My point is that Prince is opportunistically making use of the situation to shamelessly make profit. He isn't moving people out for humanitarian reasons, but because he sees a business opportunity.

But that's the story of his entire life. An outright war profiteer.
Clashes between Taliban and IS reported in Dara-i-Noor district, Nangarhar province.
In addition to Nangarhar, the Taliban are now conducting an operation against IS in the province of Kunar.
talibs vs daesh1.jpg

talibs vs daesh3.jpg

talibs vs daesh2.jpg
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I don't care what is reasonable or not. My point is that Prince is opportunistically making use of the situation to shamelessly make profit. He isn't moving people out for humanitarian reasons, but because he sees a business opportunity.

But that's the story of his entire life. An outright war profiteer.
and why shouldnt he?
he obviously has the capabilities to get people out, with all his companies infrastructure and people on the ground.
should he do it for free?
- airplanes have to be fueled
- airspaces have to be paid for right?
- maintenance personell
- his contractors on the ground etc etc etc

considering all of that and a whole lot more, 6,5 grand for a ticket out of that hellhole seems a fair trade to me
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Why are they all wearing the same clothes

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