Photos Afghan Armed Forces (Prior to 2021)

It's quite something that in two weeks Biden has managed to pull off a bigger disaster than the Vietnam withdrawal. To wit: cooperating with the Taliban in half a day has put IS in a position in the eyes of the extremists because "they are fighting the GREAT SATAN(S), not bargaining with them."
Blackwater USA founder gives his perspective on what is happening in Afghanistan on 'Tucker Carlson Today.': "The US military may not be as capable as they claim".
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Very pessimistic about US dollar and way of life.

Tough times give birth to strong people.
Strong people create good times.
Good times breed weak people.
Weak people create hard times.

An old Russian proverb.
I have to ask, have you ever been to Russia? i.e. outside the cities.... It's all fugazi...
But they are full of quotes, and fans (useful idiots, as Stalin called them)....
I wouldnt blame this fiasco 100% on Biden. It takes a village, from Intel and military planners. From people on the ground all the way to Washington and the key departments in between.

There was a guy on Reddit that was a former AQ who turned atheist, and his Q&A was very interesting and though its for years old, he did call it "Afghan government" would fall in weeks

The buck stops with Biden - however he may spin this

Biden needs to resign and US needs another election
yeah cause more turmoil is what the US needs.
So you carry on with a failure just because you think changing him and his administration will cause turmoil

How big a failure does it take for him to be replaced?
I have to ask, have you ever been to Russia? i.e. outside the cities.... It's all fugazi...
But they are full of quotes, and fans (useful idiots, as Stalin called them)....
I lived in Russia, I live in Russia, I will die in Russia. An ordinary village guy, now I live in the city of Orenburg (Orenburg region, on the border with Kazakhstan), study at the Orenburg State University, the direction is history. I work in a museum. ?

Собственно, могу даже на русском отвечать. Для полного погружения, ха-ха. Но товарищ BravoZulu этого не любит.
Actually, I can even answer in Russian. For a complete immersion, ha ha. But comrade BravoZulu doesn't like that.

I don't pretend to be analytics at all. Like many on this forum, I just communicate with foreigners, find out their opinion about today's politics (rather controversial), and also sometimes express my IMHO (not always balanced, but this is my problem).
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By "build a new future" they mean lie up on the taxpayer for free, and hate the new country, then invite the rest of the family for fast tracked family reunification to also hate the new country
Tough times give birth to strong people.
Strong people create good times.
Good times breed weak people.
Weak people create hard times.

An old Russian proverb.

But they are full of quotes, and fans (useful idiots, as Stalin called them)....

The tough times, strong men quote is just a historical fact. I don't know if it's really a Russian proverb as Ivan claims, but I do know that it's true. There were even scientific experiments conducted on social animals that gave evidence to this proverb.

As for the decay of life outside of Russia's largest cities, life is quite decadent outside of European cities in general. The S**t you can see in some countries' countryside is just depressing. And this is not to defend Russia's S**t. Russia needs to get its S**t together, of course, as everyone else should. But using Russia's countryside as some kind of arguing point, whilst disregarding historical/geographic/geopolitical contexts, is just a fallacy that was transformed into a propaganda weapon. Not buying it. And frankly cringe whenever it's brought up in a discussion.
Ok now we have three factions in the upcoming civil war...

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The tough times, strong men quote is just a historical fact. I don't know if it's really a Russian proverb as Ivan claims, but I do know that it's true. There were even scientific experiments conducted on social animals that gave evidence to this proverb.

As for the decay of life outside of Russia's largest cities, life is quite decadent outside of European cities in general. The S**t you can see in some countries' countryside is just depressing. And this is not to defend Russia's S**t. Russia needs to get its S**t together, of course, as everyone else should. But using Russia's countryside as some kind of arguing point, whilst disregarding historical/geographic/geopolitical contexts, is just a fallacy that was transformed into a propaganda weapon. Not buying it. And frankly cringe whenever it's brought up in a discussion.
My grandfather kept repeating this proverb, haha. He told me too: "A communist and a member of the communist party are different terms."

In fact, life in Russia is pretty bearable now. As in an ordinary capitalist country. Only there is a nice bonus - social guarantees left over from the USSR (like free kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities, free doctors and others). I cannot say that I support Putin's policy, I have other political views. But now you at least can safely walk on the street without risking being killed or robbed (as under Yeltsin).
I think nothing beats the nightmare of the 1990s.
So you carry on with a failure just because you think changing him and his administration will cause turmoil

How big a failure does it take for him to be replaced?
Failure cause 14 people died? Or they arent prepared for the evacuation? If we go by that standard, FDR, Churchill, etc. should all have been replaced.

I know you dont like that guy, but seriously.... :D
Interesting parallels...

Kabul 2021, vs Dunkirk 1940 and Pearl Harbor 1941?

One is a military retreat in the face of overwhelming force, another is a surprise attack.
Kabul is a botched evacuation caused by a politician who has been wrong all his life and who decided to disregard an established peace agreement.
Failure cause 14 people died? Or they arent prepared for the evacuation? If we go by that standard, FDR, Churchill, etc. should all have been replaced.

I know you dont like that guy, but seriously.... :D
Guys falling off planes
Suicide bombings kill scores
Beating of americans going to airport
Stranded people of many countries can't get out.
US power a laughing stock
American politicians shown as unutterably embarrassing and cringeworthy.
NATO again manufacturing refugees at a toxic rate.
Yeah I'll give that a green tick mark
I think nothing beats the nightmare of the 1990s.
To keep it "within living memory": I think the people that lived died under Stalin would disagree.
Interesting parallels...

Kabul 2021, vs Dunkirk 1940 and Pearl Harbor 1941?

One is a military retreat in the face of overwhelming force, another is a surprise attack.
Kabul is a botched evacuation caused by a politician who has been wrong all his life and who decided to disregard an established peace agreement.
The percentage of successfully evacuated people for Dunkirk was like what 90%? And that was with the dominant military force in Europe at the front door, not some ragtag militia, and with an ad-hoc evac plan partially using commandeered civilian boats.

"Greatest generation" vs "diverse special needs class"

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