Baron Ungern von Sternberg is in custody in Irkutsk. 1921 year.
The Russian Civil War is rich in people with very interesting biographies. Baro Ungern stands out from the general row of adventurers, sadistic Cossacks and puppet governments that supported the interventionists. Baron Ungern thought, imagine, about the revival of the Mongol Empire... In his headquarters there was a huge number of pagan Mongol shamans, sorcerers. The superstitious population of Mongolia and North China considered him immortal. When everyone got tired of this madman, several Chinese soldiers tied him up (because they believed that he could not be killed with weapons) and gave him alive to the Red Army. As it turned out, magic does not work against the bullets of the Red Army. In a Soviet prison, he ate his reward, the St. George's Cross, in one night, so that no one would get it. Yes... The association that immediately comes to my mind is Colonel Kurz from "Apocalypse Now". Only much more cruel and with its own flavor.
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