Crime Mass shooting at Walmart in El Paso, TX


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Super Moderator
Apr 9, 2019
As of now, there’s no further threat to the population and only one shooter is in custody unlike previous reports. The death toll is not known yet, probably high as at least 18 have been shot and injured.
Wow.. I thought "cartel work" on first blush. Single male shooter, 21 years old. Screen grabs from the security camera look like they show an average joe.
Wow.. I thought "cartel work" on first blush. Single male shooter, 21 years old. Screen grabs from the security camera look like they show an average joe.

They always are an average Joe , that's the sinister bit in all these shootings .
Most of news are not reporting the name or manifesto. Good thing but could have started that a long time ago.
RIP to the victims.

The FBI is looking into a hate crime for the El Paso shooting. The guy lives 7 hours away apparently.
RIP to the victims.

The FBI is looking into a hate crime for the El Paso shooting. The guy lives 7 hours away apparently.

Never got that , a hate crime . They all are as far as I can see . One guy went on right wing sites where as another one played fortnite till 6 in the morning . Makes no difference though I'm sure we're in for a week of political mudslinging which argues otherwise .
This madness only underscores the need for more people to carry concealed legally after proper training and certification.
Police can't be everywhere!

When my close friend in Belgium said he was coming to visit, I had him apply for a New Hampshire non-resident concealed carry permit which was duly issued. With that permit, he was able to legally carry concealed in 3 states he and his family visited.

In his single days, he had attended shooting schools in America and is a veteran of the Belgian army who refuses to be a victim.
This madness only underscores the need for more people to carry concealed legally after proper training and certification.
Police can't be everywhere!

When my close friend in Belgium said he was coming to visit, I had him apply for a New Hampshire non-resident concealed carry permit which was duly issued. With that permit, he was able to legally carry concealed in 3 states he and his family visited.

In his single days, he had attended shooting schools in America and is a veteran of the Belgian army who refuses to be a victim.

Won't work . You have an active shooter with police on the way without any situational awareness . You pull out your gun to help out ; who's not to say the police will shoot you on arrival ?
Your solution is do nothing and run away? Won't work at all.
As things stand yes , unless your in some sort of " can't miss " scenario . If you ve got 10/20 civilians running round with guns in that sort of environment it's only going to make it harder for LEO to apprehend the suspect . Maybe a civilian police force could work where concealed carriers are in contact with the chain of command but folk acting independently in that sort of scenario I don't see .
Second shooting in Dayton same day. Coincidence given the high numbers of mass shootings and also obviously US this is copying each other now.

I strongly believe by default the press is advertising it. Sure everyone wants to know about the event but by tabloiding the event they are fulfilling the shooters motive which is notoriety.

There is a pact here not to report on suicides. Morbidly humans tendency to copy each other is extraordinary but it is a fact.. its a dangerous idea and ideas get considered and acted on by those that have the similar issues and they see that as the way to resolve them.
This madness only underscores the need for more people to carry concealed legally after proper training and certification.
Police can't be everywhere!

When my close friend in Belgium said he was coming to visit, I had him apply for a New Hampshire non-resident concealed carry permit which was duly issued. With that permit, he was able to legally carry concealed in 3 states he and his family visited.

In his single days, he had attended shooting schools in America and is a veteran of the Belgian army who refuses to be a victim.

I don´t have the numbers but I suppose if this happened in Texas, where I suppose gun ownership with carry is huge, numbers of people carrying did´nt make a difference.
I know two things. Maybe three. One is that we need to enforce the gun laws we have now before we add more laws that we won't enforce. Secondly, overall gun violence in the US is half what it was 20 years ago. Three, I listened to a special investigator for the Secret Service detail how every one of these mass shooters telegraphs his intentions to friends, co-workers or on social media and that being able to identify who they are early is key to stopping them, but that would require a vigorous effort from law enforcement. And, sadly,I also sincerely doubt the Democrats have the desire to stop these shootings. Obama had his chance with Democrat supermajorities in Congress from 2008-2010 and did zip, zero, nada, nothing. The latest shootings are just a bad three day weekend in Chicago, a Democrat stronghold for decades and they also seem totally uninterested in solving that problem. And today's Democrats? Too busy profiteering off the tragedy today with campaign fundraisers, too busy offering non-solutions with profanity, name calling and blame shifting.

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