Photos Indian Armed Forces

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RAF’s Force Protection (FP) Force personnel under the command of No.8 RAF FP Wing arrived at AFS Hindan on 24 Feb 20 to take part in #ExIndradhanush. IAF Garuds, IAF Police & security personnel will exercise along with RAF’s FP Force (RAF Police & RAF Regiment) personnel.

#ExIndradhanush is a joint air force exercise conducted between IAF & Royal Air Force to strengthen relationships & enhance Op capabilities. The aim of the Ex. is to enhance mutual operational understanding, exchanging Tactics, Techniques & Procedures between the two air forces.

The 5th edition of Indo-UK bilateral exercise #ExIndradhanush between IAF & Royal Air Force is being conducted fm 24-29Feb at AFS Hindan. IAF security personnel including Garud commandos & RAF’s Force Protection Force (RAF Police & RAF Regiment) are participating in the exercise.

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