Warfare HAMAS attack on Israel, October 2023

Well, I wasn’t really sure what was going to happen or happen at all , what with wondering if the USA pulled a “we’ll protect you, but only if you behave” move on Israel this last Saturday. Maybe I’m too cynical.
Well, I wasn’t really sure what was going to happen or happen at all , what with wondering if the USA pulled a “we’ll protect you, but only if you behave” move on Israel this last Saturday. Maybe I’m too cynical.
I'm sure the leaders of Israel have no respect for the half wit or any of his twits. Every last conflict we've seen for 3 years is due directly to having no President. Our senate and congress is so corrupt and criminal they can't even obey our laws, we've seen that last night when they cowardly voted down impeachment of one of the most evil little bastards ever to carry the title of Homeland security. There was a time when people like him would not be safe without a 24/7 security team. He and slo joe allowed about 15 million illegals from every corner of the world to just walk in and start spending money we had no say in giving to them. Our money ! The real kicker is constitutionally we would be within the law to take him and every other criminal and toss them out or arrest them. By any means necessary and that is why we have a 2nd amendment and those criminals that try so hard to take our guns know one day they are going to try once to often to tweak we deplorable s. If it ever starts it won't be pretty but it will be for a good reason and that is to restore the nation to what it is supposed to be. Having one total party ignoring the laws is already enough to gear up. They started trying to see how far they could push us with Bush Jr and Gore election and openly attempting to steal that election. I laugh every time I think of gore finally having to say he lost, he became a missing person. He also lost a lot of money setting up his phony carbon shares companies that was supposed to make him a billionaire, I hope he sold some to the mob and they are waiting to get him. That would have been the ultimate criminal act to have a president sign into law something so stupid as carbon shares and he was the major owner of all the brokerage.
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People accuse that cop of anti-Semitism, but it's different and arguably worse. What he's saying is: We're either too afraid or can't be arsed to protect you from the people who might attack you simply because you're Jewish.
The pro-Pali protesters should decide to permanently gather in heavily Jewish neighborhoods then...

Perhaps the cops will go door to door to ask people to leave because they are "disrupting the peace".
The pro-Pali protesters should decide to permanently gather in heavily Jewish neighborhoods then...

Perhaps the cops will go door to door to ask people to leave because they are "disrupting the peace".
And shouting "AUFMACHEN!!! LOS! LOS! LOS!" while pounding on the doors is only politely requesting a sense of urgency :rolleyes:
never go full retard,,,,
Biztos vagyok benne, hogy Izrael vezetői nem tisztelik a félelmeteseket vagy az ő csavarjait. Minden utolsó konfliktus, amit 3 éve látunk, közvetlenül annak köszönhető, hogy nincs elnökünk. Szenátusunk és kongresszusunk annyira korrupt és bűnöző, hogy még a törvényeinket sem tudják betartani. Láthattuk ezt tegnap este, amikor gyáván leszavazták az egyik leggonoszabb kis gazfickó felelősségre vonását, aki valaha is a nemzetbiztonsági címet viselte. Volt idő, amikor a hozzá hasonló emberek nem lennének biztonságban egy éjjel-nappali biztonsági csapat nélkül. Ő és Slo Joe körülbelül 15 millió illegálisnak engedték meg a világ minden sarkából, hogy csak úgy bemenjenek, és elkezdjenek pénzt költeni, amibe nekünk nem volt beleszólásunk. A mi pénzünk! Az igazi rúgó az alkotmány szerint a törvényen belül, ha elfognánk őt és minden más bűnözőt, és kidobnánk vagy letartóztatnánk. Bármilyen módon szükséges, és ezért van egy 2. módosításunk, és azok a bűnözők, akik annyira igyekeznek elvenni a fegyverünket, egy nap tudják, hogy egyszer-sokszor megpróbálják megcsípni mi siralmas s. Ha valaha is elkezdődik, nem lesz szép, de jó oka van annak, és ez az, hogy visszaállítsa a nemzetet arra, amilyennek lennie kell. Már az is elég, ha egyetlen párt figyelmen kívül hagyja a törvényeket. Elkezdték próbálni, hogy meddig tudnának elnyomni minket Bush Jr és Gore választásával, és nyíltan megpróbálták ellopni ezt a választást. Minden alkalommal nevetek, amikor arra gondolok, hogy Gore-nak végre azt kell mondania, hogy elveszett, eltűnt személy lett. Sok pénzt is vesztett, amikor megalapította hamis szén-dioxid részvénytársaságait, amiből milliárdossá kellett volna válnia, remélem, eladott valamennyit a maffiának, és várják, hogy megszerezzék. Ez lett volna a legvégső bűncselekmény, ha egy elnök aláír valami olyan hülyeséget, mint a szén-dioxid-részvény, és ő volt az összes brókercég fő tulajdonosa.
This ongoing farce about the presumed "Israel attack" has three possible explanations, IMHO:
1. The "attack" did happen and was as pathetic as it appears to appease the Americans and friendly Arabs.
2. The "attack" did happen and Iranians are very hard at work to conceal the real damage to save face and prevent further escalation; Israel doing the same for the same reasons.
3. There wasn't really any attack, but a preparation for one - a diversion intended to make the Iranians think the worst is already behind them, and reduce the readiness, or/and divert attention from the actual intended target to be attacked, or/and to probe/expose the anti-air defences at the intended target.

Just my personal opinion based on my experience watching the Iran-Israel clandestine war ("kicking under the table" as I call it) going on for decades now... At this point, for the lack of more information, I tend to assign more or less equal likelihood to all three possibilities.
We'll see in the coming days.
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Man enters Iranian embassy in Paris, threatens to blow himself up, gets arrested.

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This ongoing farce about the presumed "Israel attack" has three possible explanations, IMHO:
1. The "attack" did happen and was as pathetic as it appears to appease the Americans and friendly Arabs.
2. The "attack" did happen and Iranians are very hard at work to conceal the real damage to save face and prevent further escalation; Israel doing the same for the same reasons.
3. There wasn't really any attack, but a preparation for one - a diversion intended to make the Iranians think the worst is already behind them, and reduce the readiness, or/and divert attention from the actual intended target to be attacked, or/and to probe/expose the anti-air defences at the intended target.

Just my personal opinion based on my experience watching the Iran-Israel clandestine war ("kicking under the table" as I call it) going on for decades now... At this point, for the lack of more information, I tend to assign more or less equal likelihood to all three possibilities.
We'll see in the coming days.

The assault occurred at the necessary level, avoiding excessive repercussions in the region but effectively conveying several messages to the mullas : firstly, Israel capability to strike Iran if and when required; secondly, Israel ability to strike iran's nuclear facility when needed ; and thirdly, Israel's awareness of the origin of the drones that targeted Tel Aviv.

This entire war is about the following now, Gaza is concluded with a few insurgent pockets here and there ; Rafah is in progress, leaving Israel facing its most significant threat yet: Hezbollah. I'm keen to observe the developments on that front. My anticipation is that, one way or another, a political resolution will emerge in the coming months, pushing Hezbollah back by 10, 20, or even 30 miles from the Israeli border , with political concessions from the international community. This year will be an interesting year
This ongoing farce about the presumed "Israel attack" has three possible explanations, IMHO:
1. The "attack" did happen and was as pathetic as it appears to appease the Americans and friendly Arabs.
2. The "attack" did happen and Iranians are very hard at work to conceal the real damage to save face and prevent further escalation; Israel doing the same for the same reasons.
3. There wasn't really any attack, but a preparation for one - a diversion intended to make the Iranians think the worst is already behind them, and reduce the readiness, or/and divert attention from the actual intended target to be attacked, or/and to probe/expose the anti-air defences at the intended target.

Just my personal opinion based on my experience watching the Iran-Israel clandestine war ("kicking under the table" as I call it) going on for decades now... At this point, for the lack of more information, I tend to assign more or less equal likelihood to all three possibilities.
We'll see in the coming days.
If point 1 includes a pass to get on with clearing rafah, then its a good deal. Iran showed it can but a lot of things in the air, bur very few came down anywhere close to where they wanted. If Israel showed it can launch 20 missiles, and 90% hit the target, then everyone has learnt something.

All the crap we see in UK and USA with pro-palestinian protests being softballed, is all part of the plan, to let Israel get on with what it needs to do.
Clown world moment

"UK officer tells Jewish person he needs to leave the area or he will be arrested, "Your presence is antagonizing them"

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Clown world moment

"UK officer tells Jewish person he needs to leave the area or he will be arrested, "Your presence is antagonizing them"

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in my opinion he was fishing for such a reaction, can you imagine the outcry if the Police said ok mate go ahead walk through the protest?
its not the Mets job to provide a bodyguard for him while he does it.
in my opinion he was fishing for such a reaction, can you imagine the outcry if the Police said ok mate go ahead walk through the protest?
its not the Mets job to provide a bodyguard for him while he does it.
There maybe a small element of that, but if the people protesting will be violent, then its not a peaceful protest.

The met have now issued 2 statements, and been torn apart for both.

I do believe that the protests are tolerated, to allow Israel to do what it needs to do. and the same in USA.

If we were in a real shooting war, all these people protesting would find themselves living in the outer hebrides.
in my opinion he was fishing for such a reaction, can you imagine the outcry if the Police said ok mate go ahead walk through the protest?
its not the Mets job to provide a bodyguard for him while he does it.

makes sense

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