Warfare HAMAS attack on Israel, Oct 2023 & Iran’s Proxies.

ya all arab countries love the palys as long as they aint hosting them.... i said it before itt.... the moment the palys come to a country they ruin it to the ground

And that is probably the biggest issue. Hamas really want Israel to disappear, or more honestly, for hamas to destroy Israel, as demonstrated on 7 October.

How anyone could agree to live with them nextdoor, you would need to be very stupid/suicidal.

The Gaza have had 20 years since Yassar Arafat was around, they seem to prefer misery and a poor life for their kids. What parents wishes a bad life on their kids.

All the countries wanting a ceasefire, are they offering to destroy hamas when they breach a ceasefire?
Jordan had a very good reason for killing these 3000 and booting out more.
So does Israel for killing Hamas terrorists, but they are met by global condemnation unlike the slaughter of Palestinians by Jordan and Syria which no one talks about. Hardly any protests at the time, crickets ever since.
All the countries wanting a ceasefire, are they offering to destroy hamas when they breach a ceasefire?
Nah, but they'll send their sympathies for "some people that did something" which lasts for about a day.
World history is replete with winners and losers. The ME is no different. We could have an interesting thread on what is now Israel and how it was born, starting from the early 1900s.

There is a reason I have (had) black hair and brown eyes and not blonde and blue eyed like my ancestors. World history and what my ancestors had to endure are the reason. There was a time where I felt very sympathetic to the Palestinian cause. That has worn thin over the years to the point where they have forfeited any legitimate claims they might have. Again, a discussion worthy of another monster thread.

Not only do most Palestinians approve of the pogrom of torture, rape and murder of Israeli men, women, old people and children, hundreds joined in after the Hamas attack and proudly live streamed their crimes against God and humanity. I mean....they were PROUD of it. What do you do with animals like this besides kill them mercilessly?

Resettlement. I'm back to thinking it's time for them to leave. How's about an officially Islamic state where they will be able to partake in full measure of their religious life. Mauritania is on the list and needs enriching, for example. They'd still be on the shoreline, still have desert to visit, and be free of that Gaza hell-hole.

Just thinking outside the box........
Resettlement. I'm back to thinking it's time for them to leave. How's about an officially Islamic state where they will be able to partake in full measure of their religious life. Mauritania is on the list and needs enriching, for example. They'd still be on the shoreline, still have desert to visit, and be free of that Gaza hell-hole.

Just thinking outside the box........
Everyone talking about relocation seems to forget about the Dome of the Rock. It's the holiest piece of land of the world's most violent religion. Kicking them out means WW3.
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All these people calling for a ceasefire should give their heads a wobble and look back at May 2021 when there was already ceasefire in place, before it was broken on October 7th by the left's "favourite freedom fighters". After the last war, 75% of Palestinians supported Hamas's actions:

Not just the ones in Gaza, all of them, and that was just two years ago.

F*** the ceasefire.
ya all arab countries love the palys as long as they aint hosting them.... i said it before itt.... the moment the palys come to a country they ruin it to the ground


Don't forget supporting Iraq's invasion of Kuwait "it's ok when other people are oppressed".

So does Israel for killing Hamas terrorists, but they are met by global condemnation unlike the slaughter of Palestinians by Jordan and Syria which no one talks about. Hardly any protests at the time, crickets ever since.

Few hundred people in London over Syria I recall, certainly nothing like the hundreds of thousands recently. "Stop The War Coalition" strangely absent from the former, I wonder why...

Everyone talking about relocation seems to forget about the Dome of the Rock. It's the holiest piece of land of the world's most violent religion. Kicking them out means WW3.

I'm surprised ultra-zionists haven't tried to blow that up yet, can you imagine...
apprently its free speech
It is free speech by the standards of our constitution. It is usually uncomfortable and rude, but it is necessary for our preferred way of life here in the US. Where the right of free speech ends is violence or overt threats of the same, liable, trespass, etc.

One of the greatest problems that we currently have is the attack on free speech by certain groups that call any criticism "hate speech". For example, if I criticize financial aid to Israel, I am accused of being anti Semitic. If I criticize financial aid to Egypt and Palestine, I am accused of Islamophobia. In reality, I'm anti $33 trillion debt but no one wants to talk about that. Now, it is perfectly reasonable to debate me about the merit of the above aid as being useful and worth the cost, but now, rather than a fact based argument, we simply have ad hominem attacks by people against other people rather than using facts and rhetorical ability.

Getting back to the original point, was the display of the people involved rude, unnecessary, and unhelpful? Yes. It should also be simultaneously criticized for its content while being defended as free speech. Now, all of the above being said, if/when this blows up into an actual honest to God shooting match, well all of what I said goes out the window, at least as a practical matter, and all bets are off. Let's just hope that it doesn't come to that.
Don't forget supporting Iraq's invasion of Kuwait "it's ok when other people are oppressed".

Few hundred people in London over Syria I recall, certainly nothing like the hundreds of thousands recently. "Stop The War Coalition" strangely absent from the former, I wonder why...

I'm surprised ultra-zionists haven't tried to blow that up yet, can you imagine...

man today i had a long ass discussion with a couple of my friends...... so 99% of arabs are ok to live poor,live like S**t,live under oppression,dictatorship,torture aka gaddahfi ...saddam hussien,hafez/bashar assad,isis,hamas as long as israel gets obliterated...if israel disappears then everything is ok...all that is happening in gaza is ok.... because hamas murdered israelies..regardless if they are women,children

no idea what kind of fukced up mentality they have... but apparently killing the israelies and kicking them out is what drives the world around.

i guess me and a couple of my friends are the only muslim arabs who believe in peace ,education,progressiveness,advancement toward better conditions but hey what do i know

we live in a clown world and god helps us all from the crazies roaming this earth
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It is free speech by the standards of our constitution. It is usually uncomfortable and rude, but it is necessary for our preferred way of life here in the US. Where the right of free speech ends is violence or overt threats of the same, liable, trespass, etc.

One of the greatest problems that we currently have is the attack on free speech by certain groups that call any criticism "hate speech". For example, if I criticize financial aid to Israel, I am accused of being anti Semitic. If I criticize financial aid to Egypt and Palestine, I am accused of Islamophobia. In reality, I'm anti $33 trillion debt but no one wants to talk about that. Now, it is perfectly reasonable to debate me about the merit of the above aid as being useful and worth the cost, but now, rather than a fact based argument, we simply have ad hominem attacks by people against other people rather than using facts and rhetorical ability.

Getting back to the original point, was the display of the people involved rude, unnecessary, and unhelpful? Yes. It should also be simultaneously criticized for its content while being defended as free speech. Now, all of the above being said, if/when this blows up into an actual honest to God shooting match, well all of what I said goes out the window, at least as a practical matter, and all bets are off. Let's just hope that it doesn't come to that.

so riddle me this......cause my idea of free speech is ...... democrats vs republics...free speech.....giving money to ukraine for their war with russia vs why waste it on ukraine... is free speech....... wanting to annul 2nd ammendment because of all the shooting ... free speech...... but how is protesting in the middle of a city and celebrating the killing of civilians is free speech.... why were isis and alqueda supporters thrown into jail if they protest but when it comes to hamas supporters commemorating 7th of october is considered free speech?? really.. what am i missing here... cause apparently everyone are with hamas on this except me ...something doesnt add up
Videos were shown of open air MOUT training which if it had taken place in Gaza even the most incompetent intelligence agency would have picked up on. Clearly it had taken place abroad which, no surprise, turns out to have been in Iran.

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The part that concerns me about Iran supporting Hamas is the religious implications. Traditionally, the Sunni-Shia rift has prevented significant cooperation between the two groups. If this has been papered over and if the Persian/Turkish/Arab rift is papered over as well, and they choose to hit/hurt the collective West, it might turn out to be a problem of a fairly large magnitude for us.
The part that concerns me about Iran supporting Hamas is the religious implications. Traditionally, the Sunni-Shia rift has prevented significant cooperation between the two groups. If this has been papered over and if the Persian/Turkish/Arab rift is papered over as well, and they choose to hit/hurt the collective West, it might turn out to be a problem of a fairly large magnitude for us.

sunnis and shiites hate each other to the bone..... sunnis specially hate shiites more than they hate jews..... gaza united them but it united them intangibley ... meaning by prayers ,religious supplication but thats it .. thats were it ends.....atleast for now i think

sunnis/shiites will never unite under one banner
so riddle me this......cause my idea of free speech is ...... democrats vs republics...free speech.....giving money to ukraine for their war with russia vs why waste it on ukraine... is free speech....... wanting to annul 2nd ammendment because of all the shooting ... free speech...... but how is protesting in the middle of a city and celebrating the killing of civilians is free speech.... why were isis and alqueda supporters thrown into jail if they protest but when it comes to hamas supporters commemorating 7th of october is considered free speech?? really.. what am i missing here... cause apparently everyone are with hamas on this except me ...something doesnt add up
Fair question. I can't honestly remember any Isis/Daesh supporters being thrown in jail provided they followed the law and didn't actually threaten people. I do remember BLM actually committing crimes and getting away with it due to internal problems within our political system.

As far as being with Hamas, the answer is no, I don't think that anyone here on this forum supports them, at least among the Occidental members. I can't/won't speak for our MENA members as they might have a different perspective than me. What we will do is defend free speech, even if it is uncomfortable. If someone says something and I disagree with it due to my reading of the facts as I know them or due to a difference in an arguable philosophy, I will debate them. If I can't make the argument on its merits, I had better get some facts and either use those for the debate or use them to fix my error.

Put another way, if Hamas supporters post rude signs with no merit, I will ignore/refute them. At the same time, I'm realistic enough to know where it might lead and am smart enough to, ummmmm, let's say, increase my personal vigilance to avoid any potential, let's say blow back. And I hope that our government spends more time watching these clowns rather than going after people who speak up at school board meetings.

EDIT: I should point out that my support for freedom of speech in the US extends to US citizens. For those who are not citizens, they can just get out, particularly the so called "refugees" and "students" if they are not happy with our traditional system and lifestyle.
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Resettlement. I'm back to thinking it's time for them to leave. How's about an officially Islamic state where they will be able to partake in full measure of their religious life. Mauritania is on the list and needs enriching, for example. They'd still be on the shoreline, still have desert to visit, and be free of that Gaza hell-hole.

Just thinking outside the box........
No one wants these lunatics. But Erdogan has been going out of his way to say how much he supports them. Start sending ships Erdo!!!!!!!!
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The 10 in question:
Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.), Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Jamaal Bowman (D-N.Y.), André Carson (D-Ind.), Al Green (D-Texas), Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.), Summer Lee (D-Pa.), Delia Ramirez (D-Ill.), Ilham Omar (D-Minn.), and Thomas Massie (R-Ky.)

Of course the whole Squad voted no.
The missiles from Yemen, shot down by USS CARNEY was intended for Israel.
Very little info on the missiles/drones, but they seem to be at their max. range if Israel was the intended target.

If the missiles was intended for USS CARNEY - Iran was trying to start a war with the US - using the Houthis as a proxy.

So, did the US choose to overlook this deliberate(?) attack, in order to avoid upscaling the conflict at this time?
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