Officials indicate Israel still hasn't decided whether it wants to launch major ground offensive or carry out combo of surgical strikes and targeted raids against Hamas terrorists
The idea the IDF wants to go with seems pretty clear to me by the number of troops deployed; go into Gaza, shoot anyone who resists, arrest political figures, seize any weapons and supplies and demolish infrastructure such as launch sites and tunnels.
Whether or not that plan will ever be implemented remains to be seen given the amount of international backlash increasing the longer they wait. I wouldn't put it past the Biden administration that this is secretly their actual plan for de-escalation. "Imagine how many muslims and far left extremists will vote for Joe in November next year!" He's already proven plenty of times that he'll do whatever the fringe marxist wing of the party wants him to do.
Mosul is a useless comparison since it's deep inside Kurdish territory with, besides the ISIS terrorists and their families, a friendly population. You can get by with a hybrid counter-insurgency strategy there.
Gaza is a terrorist hotbed with a population of suicidal zealots that gave birth to hamas where they've had years to prepare with the full collaboration of the entire population.
This requires surgery with a chainsaw.