When the “freedom convoy”, a group of lorry drivers angered by a new requirement that they abide
Plenty of confederate flags, right-wing Trump supporters, oath keepers and other hangers-on have joined the protest. There's plenty of press showing that James Bauder is a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist and overall loony. But hey, your hero not mine.
I'm no fan of BLM or Antifa or their despicable tactics. I was referring more to the tactic of forming a human chain across a freeway to block traffic and inconvenience as many people as possible. The truckers may have left a lane or two open but they essentially blocked the business of everyone in the city, and blared horns day and night to cause as much distress as possible. How nice!
Go ahead and turn your eyes away from the tawdry little S**t James Bauder that organized this protest, and the EXTREME right-wing followers who will jump on any opportunity to sow chaos. I see some trucker saying "they're putting me out of business" by making him get vaccinated. Bullshit. He's choosing to put himself out of business and can go fry donuts at Tim Hortons .
Once again, mind substantiating your claims?
One confederate flag has been spotted, once, on the first day. The bearer got removed by the truckers.
Right-wing Trump supporters? Haven't seen any Trump signs, or oath-keepers. Why would there be, it's Canada not the US.
James Bauder? Never heard of him.
Our hero? Who is "our"? Hero to whom? Who is celebrating him? Where?
City was already on lockdown before the truckers came in. Business were already impacted by the various mandates imposed by the government.
Residents denied horns were blared "day and night" except maybe the first day. Then, following court order banning honking, there were no more honkings. Especially not at night to "cause as much distress as possible".
James Bauder didn't organize the protest. He may have lumped in, but, at least, he wasn't in Ottawa where the "main event" took place.
Extreme right-wing followers? Needs source for that claim.
Sowing chaos? Sounds hyperbolic. Also needs source.
Lots of assertions and hyperbole, not much to back them up.
The protest in Ottawa is the most documented to date by more than a dozen individuals who live-streamed 24/7 (or so). No violence, no disrespectful behavior, language, signs, symbols.
No defacing of monuments, public property or private property.
Nobody got assaulted, injured, mistreated, harassed (lots of signs with "gas the unvaxxinated" brandished by the counter protesters though).