We're talking EU nationals here. I'd be careful with that term. Many Britons believe you hail from a "shithole country".
1. I mean there are hundreds of thousands of immigrants from #shitholeCountries who got EU passports, coming to third-party EU countries and used it as a way for settling in the UK. Somalis with Dutch and Swedish passports will be a good example.
2. If some people don't have a sufficient knowledge about Poland, I cannot help them.
- we have been branded as a developed country recently
- 50% of Polish 25-year-olds have a university degree
- Polish people are far more likely to progress into a Master's degree than people in 95% of the EU countries
- we have one of the lowest unemployment rates in the EU
- we have overtaken Portugal and Greece in terms of GDP per capita (PPP).
- unlike the vast majority of EU countries, if not all of them, Poland hasn't had any economic crisis since 1989. The average GDP growth has been 4% a year
- AFAIK Poland issues more work visas than any EU country does every year.
- many more factors that I'm too lazy to mention
Was Poland a #shitholeCountry when I moved to the UK in 2007? Hell, yes.
However, it's not any more.