Photos Afghan Armed Forces (Prior to 2021)

31/08 USA cut out support Afghan gov,I think new supporter is India,because Afghan like Indian's culture and tradition,and India want make Afghan for anti Paki and China,lastest India supported 122mm by airplane to Afghan gov.
I have a feeling the USA & her coalition partners will keep several aircraft in Afghanistan for quite some time into the future to deal with the taliban & isis. Buffs, Spookies, Hornets, Hogs etc. Their blogs list the location & addresses of all their manlove thursdays orgies so it should be fairly easy to target them.
I have a feeling the USA & her coalition partners will keep several aircraft in Afghanistan for quite some time into the future to deal with the taliban & isis. Buffs, Spookies, Hornets, Hogs etc. Their blogs list the location & addresses of all their manlove thursdays orgies so it should be fairly easy to target them. View attachment 327289
I agree, and I hope it brings everyone to a negotiation, I've no idea where it goes after that, but basically if the afghans want any aid $$££ they need to meet some basic behaviour requirements. After that they can run their country anyway they want, but I'd also be happy to see charities offering education to girls and boys from Afghanistan.
Taliban controling 65% of the country. 7 capitals.
Damn, they're doomed. RIP whatever is left of freedom there.
Taliban controling 65% of the country. 7 capitals.
Damn, they're doomed. RIP whatever is left of freedom there.
65% of land, 10% of the people.......and now the talibans move, they are getting pounded......its not quite over....
I've felt for about the last 10 years that an air campaign routed out the taliban fairly quickly initially & it will keep them at bay hopefully. Just a few hardened airfields with a gym, mess hall, in house medical for air crews, a small laundry, barracks, ready room, coms/wifi, laser security....all the comforts of home. No nation building, no cash for the gov't, no schools, no candy for the kids, no tier3 hospital for the locals....just tell us where the bad guys are & we'll end them. We will pre-apologize for the collateral. It's gonna be messy but we'll do the best we can.
Time lapse map of Taliban's gains in Afghanistan by district, from April 13 (the day before President Biden announced the withdrawal), and Aug. 10.
31/08 USA cut out support Afghan gov,I think new supporter is India,because Afghan like Indian's culture and tradition,and India want make Afghan for anti Paki and China,lastest India supported 122mm by airplane to Afghan gov.

Talibs raided field marshal Abdul Rashid Dostum wardrobe after taking his headquarters.
Apparently his son was in charge of the defense there, I wonder what has happened to him?

So the marshal got p-0ff and went with his comandos to Mazar-i-Sharif on an Airbus A340 to fight the offenders.
Dust commandos2.webp
Dust commandos1.webp

Why the Afghan army is so helpless

Süddeutsche Zeitung, one of Germany's largest daily newspapers (centre-left leaning) sums it up as follows:
  • The withdrawal of the international coalition forces and their contract partners has bereft the Afghan army of the corset that kept them operational. E.g. the maintenance of the A-29 Super Tucanos was only ever done by American contractors and now the Afghan Air Force is left without proper knowledge how to service and fix their gear. Add to that the bounty hunting campaign for government pilots initiated by the Taliban.
  • The 2020 agreement of Doha between the US and the Taliban meant a virtual ceasefire between the two parties but the Afghan government still remained a target of Taliban operations and suddenly had lost its partners they were depending on. According to a German officer, this gave the Taliban enough time to comfortably spread around the country and fortify their newly gained positions. Also, experienced ANA officers were relieved of their duties at key positions due to a lack of successes against the Taliban, but this only added to the weakening of the government forces.
  • Operation Resolute Support in 2014 which was meant as a training and counseling mission was much too shallow and didn't reach the operative level of the ANA. Says one German army advisor: "The Afghan commanders being conscious of their power used to listen to what I told them and then they would either follow the advice or they wouldn't."
  • The ANA special forces are mainly recruited from arch enemies of the Taliban and will now be trained in Turkey. But a few thousand commando soldiers cannot win a war that has engulfed a whole country.
Afghanistan’s only female district police chief Najiba Noor was wounded in one thigh when Taliban attacked the Sheberghan city two days ago. After the fall of the city, her house was looted and torched by the Taliban.
Eventually a coalition of warlords will coalesce and fight the Taliban more or less on equal terms, it's how they do things there. All of the blood and treasure the U.S. & Co. foolishly dumped into the "Graveyard of Empires" will be for naught. Do our leaders ever think strategically? Have they no capacity to learn from history?

The "government" as we know it today will not be relevant for very much longer. I am sorry for the Afghans that are caught in the middle of amoral jackals.
I've felt for about the last 10 years that an air campaign routed out the taliban fairly quickly initially & it will keep them at bay hopefully. Just a few hardened airfields with a gym, mess hall, in house medical for air crews, a small laundry, barracks, ready room, coms/wifi, laser security....all the comforts of home. No nation building, no cash for the gov't, no schools, no candy for the kids, no tier3 hospital for the locals....just tell us where the bad guys are & we'll end them. We will pre-apologize for the collateral. It's gonna be messy but we'll do the best we can.
& snow plows, I forgot the stupid amount of snow we got in Bagram Air Base.
Taliban only needs China on its side and it would be set

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