Humanitarian aid, medicine, vaccines, food [& a very little cash] is being allowed into 4 Afghan airports. All humanitarian flights are met by representatives of the taliban who pick thru the pallets & load what they want personally into their white Toyota Highlanders & leave. In the case of KBL then we quietly taxi over to the Ramp 9 hanger, do some maintenance & loadout collected vacationing passengers on the deadhead trip to pick up more aid to bring back. Wink, wink, nod, nod. Sure they're onto this system, even the media is playing along I think. We'll ride this pony as long as we can. Interesting convo with some lawyers this morning on potential lawsuits. People held against their will can sue the taliban & most likely win in the Hague. Course the taliban so far have no money & unless the US screws up & recognizes them as the legitimate gov't of Afghanistan the cases should expedite thru. MAS is not on the approved airport manifest yet, not sure why, but US State is working on it. UAE is willing to get involved & have a few citizens there.